Safe abdominal exercises for pregnancy postpartum


Pregnant and postpartum women often ask me what are the best abdominal exercises for pregnancy and postpartum ? This question often arises from concern’s about diastatisis recti and the dreaded post birth  “mummy tummy’ or “postpartum pooch” Firstly – what is the core?  Did you know, your six pack muscles (more correctly termed the Rectus Abdominis or…

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What is healthy pregnancy weight gain ?


Are you concerned about pregnancy weight gain and how many calories you should be eating during and after pregnancy ? As a Pregnancy and Post Natal Exercise Coach I am often asked the following questions ….“How much weight should I gain during pregnancy ?”, “What should my calorie intake be now that I am pregnant ?”…

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How to measure your Diastatis Recti / Abdominal Separation


Diastasis recti (DR) can be a big concern both during and after pregnancy. If you aren’t sure what diastasis recti is – it’s abdominal separation that occurs during pregnancy and continues both birth. This separation is completely normal and HAS to happen during pregnancy –  your core needs to separate to make way for your…

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Stop counting CALORIES and lose weight – I did !


I am often asked …How many calories should I eat during pregnancy?How many calories should I eat to lose baby weight ? Did you know… CALORIE counts are just estimates. The actual calories your body receives from foods varies – depending on so many factors. So trying to chase the “right amount” of calories is…

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An essential pelvic floor exercise for Pregnancy Postpartum


Hey are you struggling to know exactly WHAT pelvic floor exercises you should be doing ? Did you know only 1 in 4 women actually know how to engage their pelvic floor correctly. Why should I strengthen my pelvic floor ? Your pelvic floor is the foundation of your core. The pelvic floor muscles are located in…

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YouTube – safe Pregnancy Postpartum workouts


Many of my safe and effective workouts and tips for pregnancy and postpartum are now available on YouTube. Pregnancy and postpartum health and exercise is something I am incredibly passionate about; and I am on a mission to help as many women as possible enjoy safe and appropriate exercises, so they can feel their physical…

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Protein : essential for a healthy pregnancy and postpartum journey


Protein is an essential macronutrient for a healthy pregnancy and postpartum journey. As getting enough protein in your diet is one of the most powerful ways to keep all cells in your body happy and healthy. This includes the millions of cells that are used to grow a baby and produce breast milk. Most women…

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Post Natal and Pregnancy Nutrition Guide


Pregnancy is not a time to use the excuse that you are “eating for two.” However it is the time to ensure you are educated and empowered to make the right decisions, on the best ways to nourish both you and your baby during pregnancy and beyond. That’s why I created my complimentary Pregnancy and…

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What are the Postpartum Baby Blues ?


I remember during my first pregnancy asking my OB, “What are the baby blues ?” He didn’t really go into depth about the baby blues, but was more interested in knowing about what sort of post birth support I had. This was great; but I was trying to navigate how I would feel, what it…

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