pregnancy esercise, specialist pregnancy exervcise, Dahlas Fletcher specialist pregnancy exercise trainer, healthy peregnancy, exercise in pregnancy

Did you know that during pregnancy is the best time to

train your core?

Your abs and core naturally stretch during pregnancy, but I can give you the tools to actually improve your core during your pregnancy.


Did you know that during pregnancy is the best time to

train your core?

Your abs and core naturally stretch during pregnancy, but I can give you the tools to actually improve your core during your pregnancy.

Pregnancy is tough.

It can be like climbing a mountain every day for 9 months.

Sometimes longer if your baby is a little too comfortable in there. Most women understandably feel physically and emotionally exhausted.

Working out can also be confusing. Where should you start? How long should you do it for? What exercises are safe for you and your baby? Is it any wonder pregnant women lack confidence and motivation to keep active during pregnancy.



During this precious time every woman's motherly instinct kicks in, making her so much more aware of the changes happening to her body. This provides a wonderful opportunity to create a deep core connection.

Your core is actually really strong during is supporting a baby! So now is the time to tap into, nurture and solidify that strength.


And that's where I come in.

I provide women with safe, appropriate exercise and nutrition strategies so they can feel their physical and emotional best during and after pregnancy.

I will guide you along a success path so you can achieve a

  • Healthy active pain free pregnancy
  • Better Birth
  • Faster post natal recovery
  • Plus prevent common postpartum issues such as diastasis recti and pelvic floor dysfunction

With my FUN safe and effective total body workouts!


When I found out I was pregnant with my first bub I wanted to ensure I could continue to exercise regularly, in a safe way. I found the perfect trainer in Dahlas. With her extensive knowledge and experience in pregnancy exercise, she provided me with training programs to complete in my own time, she also would easily refine techniques and provide modifications as I progressed through my pregnancy so I could continue right up until the end of my pregnancy. I highly recommend Dahlas for women wanting to continue exercise throughout pregnancy and beyond.


After helping hundreds of (time-poor) pregnant women, I've taken my years of experience and detailed knowledge and created

the Ultimate Pregnant Core Online Program.


This is more than Googling 'safe pregnancy exercises', more than asking your friend who works at a gym for advice and way more than an app to remind you to do your Kegels.

This is a comprehensive online program designed to show you the exact steps you need to

enhance your experience of pregnancy.

I believe that postnatal recovery starts during pregnancy. Effectively training your core and pelvic floor during pregnancy is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.  Enhancing your core muscles is not about getting a washboard stomach, it's about moving optimally and engaging your active center. During pregnancy you need to learn the most effective and core exercises to do but more importantly, you need to learn how to do them safely. In this course you will get all the tools you need to unlock your ultimate core synergy including your legs, glutes, hips, arms neck and even your jaw. It's all connected.

Each week you will be personally guided by me along the success path with a range of fitness videos, online support plus a delicious weekly pregnancy meal plan, shopping lists and recipes created by a registered pregnancy nutritionist.

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Ready to feel strong and energised during your pregnancy?


Hi, I'm Dahlas!

I'm a Certified pregnancy and postpartum trainer.

With 20 years of experience working as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer and fitness business owner, I was inspired to create Bodyfabulous, an online hub for pregnancy and
post natal health and wellness.


Hi, I'm Dahlas!

I'm a Certified pregnancy and postpartum trainer.

With 20 years of experience working as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer and fitness business owner, I was inspired to create Bodyfabulous, an online hub for pregnancy and post natal health and wellness.


My work is aimed at women of all ages, stages and fitness levels to help safely and confidently improve their health and well-being.

I believe in cherishing your body during pregnancy. With the experience of staying safely active during my own three pregnancies, I want to share my knowledge and experience with other women to help them stay in shape during their pregnancy without extreme dieting or punishing exercise programs.

My goal is to you help your feel the best you can during this miraculous transformation. I work under the philosophy that exercise is a way to honour and connect to your body rather than just a tool to change it.

With the Ultimate Pregnant Core Online Program

I encourage women to connect with their pregnant bodies and allow me to guide them towards next level core strength.

Being pregnant and giving birth are beautiful experiences, but both can leave you feeling emotionally and physically exhausted…


Are you frustrated and de-motivated to get moving during your pregnancy?


Do you want to continue to exercise while pregnant, but you have no idea what exercises you need to do to keep you and your baby safe


Are you terrified of losing your physical and emotional health when you need it the most?


Want to avoid diastasis recti and pelvic floor issues?


Keen to keep moving your body and maintain your fitness throughout your pregnancy?


If you answered 'yes' to any of the questions above, 
you're in the right place.

This is why I created the Ultimate Pregnant Core Online.

A convenient, easy to follow proven program. With so much harmful advice out there the Ultimate Pregnant Core Online is based on experienced and evidenced based methods so you can stay fit and healthy - but most of all not harm you or your baby.

Welcome to

Ultimate Pregnant Core




Why that format?

Because all mums, mums-to-be and babies are different, which means we need to allow for different levels of energy. My self-paced program allows you take time off when you need it and come back when you're ready.

In the Ultimate Pregnant Core program I will personally guiding you through eight weeks of deep diving content that will give you a lifetime of health and wellness benefits.

You will consistently make progress with easy to follow evidenced-based methods. No overwhelm, just action. My number one priority is the health and well-being of you and your baby.

Here's what you get...


6 Modules for the 6 different stages of your core strength


Over 50 video workouts including exercise demonstrations and programs


Detailed prenatal nutrition plan including weekly recipes, meal plans and shopping lists designed by Registered Pregnancy Nutritionist Georgia Marrion


PDF downloads outlining exactly what you should be doing each week of the program and action plans to keep you accountable as you progress through pregnancy and beyond.


Easy to digest information and exercises that you can access anywhere anytime 24/7


Suitable for any trimester of pregnancy, and all levels of fitness


Plus weekly live support from me to guide and motivate you

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Unlike many other programs, this is not a general exercise program that has been re-branded for pregnancy. It is specifically designed for your changing pregnant body. You will be guided every step of the way with a safe and effective way to take care of your core, your body, and your mind during your precious journey. 


The average time spent in the 'active pushing' phase of labour is significantly reduced for women who performed regular pelvic floor and deep core exercises during pregnancy?

(Ref: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology)

Join Us!

Ultimate Pregnant Core Online!


I firmly believe that it is due to the diligence in following the Ultimate Pregnant Core program that my labour was short 5 hours and my body has bounced back so quickly post birth. I worked on my core and practiced my breathing during each workout. This enabled my uterus to strongly do its thing during labour and the breathing became second nature during my contractions. Make time for these easy to follow workouts and you will be rewarded!


Let's take a closer look at

what you'll find inside:


Module 1 - Conscious Core

In this module you can wave goodbye to overwhelm and confusion about your changing pregnant body and how you should be exercising. I bust a few exercising-during-pregnancy myths and arm you with the tools and knowledge you need to exercise safely during your pregnancy.


Module 2 - Core Foundations

Develop a deeper understanding that results don't come from exercising more frequently, but from learning how to use your body in a more efficient way. Here's where we hone in on correct techniques so you can make every movement session count.


Module 3 - Core Movement

Now that your core is engaged (and you finally know where it is!) you can take these actionable steps to activate your pregnant core with dynamic total body movements that go way beyond just Kegels.


Module 4 - Core Progressions

You can now move capably and confidently with a deep core connection and feel energised and nourished. Here's where you will learn safe and functional interval training and specialised core cardio.


Module 5 - Core Strong

By Module 5, you've built an amazing core connection and developed excellent physical and mental stamina. Here is where you will enjoy resistance based training to empower, sculpt and get you prepared for the marathon of birth and recovery.


Module 6 - Core Evolution

Congratulations you're now confident, capable and connected for the challenges of birth and beyond! In Module 6 I'll help you prepare emotionally & physically for birth, recovery and motherhood.

How it works:

The greatest information is useless if it isn't simple, actionable and easy to follow.


Each week you'll get an email from me, and access to a new module in our online portal.


Each module contains a weekly workout video, nutrition plan, and worksheets.


Each week you have access to exclusive Q&A sessions so you can ask for advice and guidance from me as you need it. Plus receive support from a community of beautiful pregnant women who are sharing a similar journey.


Each week is focused on one core subject, with enough space and time for you to complete the workouts and stay on track during your own pregnancy journey.

PLUS! You have a minimum 12 months access so you can also come back to appropriate workouts as you progress through your postpartum recovery. It will become a huge part of your tool-kit for your ultimate core success, plus your access includes any updates and additional workouts added at no additional charge.


The program has been a great help in keeping me confident and healthy during my pregnancy, but most of all, it was perfect for me, my body and my schedule. Highly recommended.



Join Ultimate Pregnant Core Online and you will get the chance to receive ALL THIS ...


Lifetime Access to the Ultimate Pregnant Core Online Training Portal with over 50 workout videos, step-by-step guides and done for you resources

VALUE $997


6 week guidance along a step by step proven success path with certified and experienced Pregnancy and Postpartum Trainer Dahlas Fletcher plus access to special guest experts to answer all your birth and nutrition questions

VALUE $900


Exclusive membership to a quality community - The private UPC Facebook community provides another level of support with live Q & A sessions so I can walk you through every step of the course, ensuring that you have all the tools you need to succeed,plus a place to connect with other like minded mamas-to-be

VALUE $197



Bonus 1 - Comprehensive Pregnancy Nutrition Plan

6 x weekly meal plans, shopping lists, recipes and specialised guidance (including hormonal and supplement advice from Registered Pregnancy Nutritionist Georgia Marrion).


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Bonus 2 - Avoid and manage Pelvic Pain Bonus

Pelvic pain is the pits, so I have designed specialised exercises and stretches that are going to reduce your SIJ, hip and pelvic girdle aches and prevent it from getting worse so you can stay active. Plus a LIVE Q&A to provide you with all the lifestyle tips you need to manage or avoid this common pregnancy condition.


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Bonus 3 - Get empowered and prepared for Birth

With a beautiful birth prep meditation and exclusive interview and with Author, Midwife and Doula Cheryl Sheriff who shares her 30 years experience with over 1000 births about the importance of positioning your baby prior to labour for a better birth. Includes complimentary notebook summary and strategies discussed plus a video of exercises you can do in the first 6 weeks post birth.



12 month Access

$497 AUD
  • Upfront payment only

Lifetime Access

$547 AUD
(Normally $997)
  • Upfront payment only
  • SAVE $450!


$96 AUD
x 6 monthly payments ($576 AUD)
  • 12 months access only

If I make any updates or additional content over this time you will get
instant access to all them 24/7 for no extra charge

Join Us!

Ultimate Pregnant Core Online!


Frequently Asked Questions

Sorry no, the doors will be closing. The UPC program is rolled out over 8 weeks to ensure participants get the most out of each module and I can be there every step of the way.

This means I only offer access to new members for limited time periods so I can spend the rest of the time fully focused on my current intake. When doors do re-open I also can't guarantee you will receive the course at the same price due to additional course updates that will occur.

Have more questions about the course, the content or the inclusions?
Send us an email HERE.


I started training with Dahlas, when I was about 26 weeks pregnant with our son, Max. I wanted to give myself the best chance of a speedy labour and straight-forward recovery, without engaging in exercise that would put our boy at risk. My labour was very quick - only 1 hour and 35 minutes between when my 'waters' broke and when Max arrived - and we got through it with only gas as pain relief (mainly due to the time - not how I expected it would go). I put a lot of this down to the work I did with Dahlas to prepare - breathing through the hardest parts, being physically and mentally strong enough to tackle the challenges of labour.
I would definitely recommend Dahlas' training to any pregnant friends looking for a way to stay fit and healthy, and prepare (as best you can!) for the delivery of their babes. It can be hard to stay motivated to exercise when you're 8 months pregnant, hot and feeling heavy, but it was definitely worth it for me!



This is for you if you…

  • Want to have a healthy and happy pregnancy both physically and emotionally
  • Want to save yourself hours of wasted time and stress
  • Want expert and experienced advice about what you can do and what you should avoid during pregnancy regardless if you are a first-time exerciser or fitness fanatic
  • Want evidence-based, clear answers on what to eat and why to ensure you nourish you and your growing baby
  • Want to learn how to cope emotionally and physically with your changing body
  • Want to give yourself the best chance to fully recover from pregnancy and birth
  • Want to use your money wisely to potentially save yourself hundreds of dollars by avoiding long term injuries such as diastatis recti, pelvic floor dysfunction and prolapse.
  • Want a safe, effective proven program so you can journey through pregnancy, birth and recovery feeling fit, strong and confident


  • If you'd rather hack your way through exercises and wellness strategies on Google & social media
  • You don't have medical clearance to exercise during pregnancy
  • You couldn't be bothered putting in the effort to get results
  • You want a shortcut to good health
  • If you're more focussed on weight than long term fitness and wellness

Prenatal training with Dahlas helped me understand and respect my changing body. She tailored our workouts to my specific needs and differences. And she shared useful advice on how to manage working in an active job.


12 month Access

$497 AUD
  • Upfront payment only

Lifetime Access

$547 AUD
(Normally $997)
  • Upfront payment only
  • SAVE $450!


$96 AUD
x 6 monthly payments ($576 AUD)
  • 12 months access only

If I make any updates or additional content over this time you will get
instant access to all them 24/7 for no extra charge


Our guarantee

You are fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee


I fully believe in this product. If you put the effort in, and don't feel the mental or physical results you are after, I will offer you a full refund on your purchase.

Just email me with your completed workbook, evidence you did our workouts and your receipt within the first 10 days of the course and I will personally send you a refund.

"I want you to enjoy your pregnancy I want you learn how exercise is a wonderful way to connect to your body rather than just a tool to change it. I want you to cherish your body both physically and mentally during and after pregnancy."

- Xx Dahlas

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