Cherish your body

After training thousands of women, during various stages of pregnancy and motherhood. I have designed a unique exercise method, that get's results without depletion and overwhelm.

As a fully certified pregnancy and female fitness trainer what I offer is a combination of what personally worked for me (and what I still do) and what I have learned from 20 yrs experience and science.

It is what I call becoming BodyFabulous...

If only it were true that 50 Kegels a day, drawing belly button to spine and crunches were the best way to train your core and pelvic floor. It's time to stop believing this and making your symptoms worse !

This complimentary Core and Pelvic Floor guide with 5 simple steps, for any stage of life or motherhood will teach you a better way, faster than you can put on your activewear !

you may have seen me in

Everyday you wake up...

..with a different body. Especially, during motherhood, due to a myriad of factors including the biomechanical changes of pregnancy and postpartum recovery, the challenges of motherhood, sleep, stress, hormones and more. So, female fitness is not as simple as Googling an online workout, following a fit-influencer, joining the local boot-camp or doing exactly what your friend did as "they got results".

The fitness market is saturated and un-regulated, there's information overload and cookie cutter programming no longer works when it comes to female health and fitness.

As far too many women feel...

"Alone and that my body has failed me !"

"Embarrassed" by unspoken symptoms

"Conflicted" about what they should and shouldn't be doing

"Struggling" as exercising to exhaustion and not eating enough does not work

With this shifting landscape, comes a responsibility from me, a successful personal trainer, group fitness instructor, past studio owner and course creator with over 20 years experience - to globally share with all women...

An easy, accessible and proven female focused fitness strategy

After training thousands of mothers and mamas-to-be, and also using and refining these methods during my own three pregnancies I have learned that the physical changes of pregnancy, recovery and the challenges of motherhood can cause many women to lose the physical and mental connection to their bodies and especially deep core.

However with simple but effective whole body exercises, this connection can actually improve during pregnancy and it is never too late to start at any stage of life.

Why ?

As every woman has an incredible instinct, making them so much more aware of the changes happening to their body.

This provides a wonderful opportunity to create a fabulous whole body core connection.

That's why I am committed to changing lives by helping all women to harness this tremendous internal power. My passion is to help women globally, to confidently connect better to their bodies, so they can get back to doing what they truly love with confidence and happiness.

If you've been struggling to create a consistent exercise routine, that you actually look forward to, you are in the right place.

More than just a fitness plan, my unique BodyFabulous BFABMETHOD method can be personally tailored to your needs with

  • 1:1 coaching
  • group sessions
  • workshops
  • online programs

Choose 1 or combination, which is ideal if you are ready to commit to discovering physically and mentally how exercise and nutrition are fabulous ways to connect to your body better rather than just tools to change it. 


How I work...

Despite what the majority of the fitness industry says, you don't need to "go hard or go home," focus on trunk based exercises, "draw belly button to spine" or do 1000 Kegels a day to get fit, build a strong core and pelvic floor.

Safe, effective total body workouts and a clear success path, that shows you how to cut through the confusion female fitness is my proven solution.

Discover my latest evidence-based techniques the BFABMETHOD and how they can work exactly for you and your lifestyle during any trimester of pregnancy, recovery, or any stage of life.

Including if you are trying to conceive, have diastasis recti, prolapse, are returning to exercise after a long hiatus. Or maybe you simply want to rediscover how to accept yourself and show your body the love and respect it’s always deserved.

I look forward to connecting with you


Hi, I'm dahlas.

I'm one of Australia’s most respected and successful certified and experienced Pregnancy and Female Fitness Trainers.

"I’ve been where you are right now ….

Despite being fitness trainer since the age of 17, not so long ago, I was also in your shoes. 

Pre-Kids I used to spend hours in the gym pushing myself to near death depletion (on very limited calories) because I thought that was the only way to get results. These days, as a mother of 3 children and running my own business I have experienced not only my leanest, but my happiest, most fulfilling self through whole body functional movement."

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BodyFabulous BESPOKE is a high touch premium group coaching program designed to seriously upskill you both physically and mentally whether you're a fitness newbie or seasoned fanatic, at any age or stage of motherhood.

After training thousands of women, I created this premium and unique training program (that includes private 1:1 coaching with me) as I noticed too many are struggling with hormonal imbalances and core concerns.

And often when this happens ....

They start exercising and eating better to try and combat this, BUT tend to default exercising harder, doing more crunches and eating less !
This then actually causes more core and pelvic floor issues, raises cortisol levels and blocks all the health benefits you should be getting.

Then overwhelm, confusion and at worse injury sets in.

Then all those "good intentions" disappear and more than often NOTHING happens.

I believe - It's time to stop this roller-coaster !



Inside BESPOKE I will personally help you to exercise and nourish yourself in a way that supports your hormones, core and pelvic floor

With FUN and effective total body workouts and delicious nutritionist designed meal plans. You will ditch defaulting to Kegels, crunches and counting calories and instead naturally raise your dopamine and serotonin, which helps to cancel out those negative physical and mental effects and lower cortisol in the body. This then allows you to have more energy, to feel and look your best plus connect better to your global core....which YES includes your pelvic floor !

Ready to take that next step?

>> click here

Suitable for any stage of motherhood, any location and any level of fitness !

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Start here ...

Free Resources

More than likely, you know you want to start something new. But maybe you’re unsure, overwhelmed, and possibly even a little nervous and afraid to go it alone.

Why not start with one of my fabulous freebies ? They are rock solid supportive way to take the first step in your journey ...

What if there was an empowering, energising and entirely flexible way of working out that can help you at any stage of your motherhood journey ?
Discover my Private, Face to Face and Online coaching and fall in love with exercise (and yourself), through a consistent exercise practice that achieves results that fit with your idea of what it means to be healthy and feeling good – not anybody else’s.



During my Face to Face PREGNANCY EXERCISE WORKSHOP my goal is to support every woman to follow their intuition in regards to pregnancy, birth and movement

Education & connecting better to your body both physically & mentally opens the doors to greater awareness and confidence

During my Brisbane workshop we will cover everything you need to know about safe & effective exercise that will help you with your birth process, recovery & the challenges of motherhood

It’s not just about “getting fit”

Science says ...

Evidence-based techniques and holistic knowledge help reduce pain and allow you to achieve a safer, faster and better birth and recovery experience

British Medical Journal, 2016.

In my 3 hour workshop I will coach you through my proven strategies and workouts. Plus provide you with exclusive access to my online workouts so you can continue what you learn at home.

Best of all there are goodie bags, lucky door prizes and the chance to meet like-minded mama's to be who are on the same journey as you.

Limited spots.

Small & personalised group training

Disover more CLICK HERE

Suitable for any trimester and any level of fitness.

Group Coaching...


A high touch, premium group coaching program that hands all kinds of fabulous females (of all ages, stages and fitness levels) from all around the world, the exact tools they need to exercise and nourish themselves with consistency and confidence.

Application only. Limited Spaces

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“Dahlas, thankyou for my program and the extra mods. I have only just had the chance to try it out today and I love it. It's challenging but I also feel safe with all the exercises”

- Bek, Brisbane Australia




Let's do this!

There are options to work 1:1, in a group or on online in your own time.  Take the step today!

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core-pelvic-floor-free-guide- pregnancy-perimenopause-postnatal-motherhood. No kegels

Check this out!

Core & pelvic floor guide

The good news….anyBODY can learn how to connect better to their core and pelvic floor without defaulting to endless Kegels, crunches or depleting workouts.

The truth is, as a female, the way you train has to change because every day you wake up with a different body due to a myriad of reasons. There is a science behind this, and you just need to know a simple formula to get started - that doesn't even involve  activewear ! Enter your details below and I will show you how.