C Section birth and recovery – get the facts.


Before we chat about c-section or a cesarean let’s keep in mind too that no-one fails at birth ! Birth regardless of the way it happens is amazing and requires extensive rehabilitation and retraining of your core. Recovery after c-section Having a c-section does NOT protect your pelvic floor from being strained or compromised during pregnancy.…

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Self Care is not just for hipsters – pregnancy & postpartum


Self-care is a pretty hot topic at the moment. Some might think it’s just a trend and only for hipsters. Well, ladies – it sure ain’t … As women, we all do multiple roles during any given day. We may be a mum, daughter, significant other, sister, boss, co-worker, entrepreneur, carer, friend, among many things.…

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Recipes and Tips for Post Pregnancy Nutrition


Yay, your beautiful bundle of joy has finally arrived, congratulations and well done to you! There’s so much to do and learn with a newborn that often feeding and yourself effectively postpartum is often the last thing on your mind. It’s so important though, to nourish and nurture yourself as well as your baby. To help…

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