Prepare for BIRTH now – don’t wait until 3rd trimester.


Making empowered decisions about your birth – no matter what way it happens, natural or c-section. Is so important ! Many women prepare for their wedding at least 6 to 9 months in advance, however birth preparation is often left until the final trimester of pregnancy. In this blog post are some fabulous tips to…

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C Section birth and recovery – get the facts.


Before we chat about c-section or a cesarean let’s keep in mind too that no-one fails at birth ! Birth regardless of the way it happens is amazing and requires extensive rehabilitation and retraining of your core. Recovery after c-section Having a c-section does NOT protect your pelvic floor from being strained or compromised during pregnancy.…

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Labour-aid. A drink perfect for labour and birth


I tell all my pregnancy and post natal clients that labour is going to be the biggest work-out of your life ! So it is important you are fit, strong and prepared. Just like any work-out you need to ensure you are properly hydrated, this  labour-aid drink is fantastic natural drink for sipping on between contractions.…

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