Posts Tagged ‘core breath’
What is core coning or abdominal doming ?
ABDOMINAL CONING …have you heard about it but struggle to know exactly what it is and what it looks like ? Here’s a tip that might help… When you see abdominal coning (don’t freak out) instead use this as information from your body that the movement you are doing during pregnancy or at any stage…
Read MoreHow to create Core integrity
It’s so important to move in DIFFERENT ways to build CORE integrity. This means that crunches, sit ups and planks are not the only way to train the core. Deep and functional core training is also not only limited to pregnant or post birth women, it is essential for ALL BODIES ! Oh so you…
Here is a simple postnatal lower core deep core connection workout for you to try at home. Follow my cues in the video below, but before you begin to find out what level is suitable for you if you have diastatis recti. Exercise is only suitable from approx 8 -10 weeks post birth. How to know if you are ready for…
Read MoreFascia and pelvic floor connection during pregnancy postpartum motherhood
The importance of fascia during and after pregnancy …and exactly what is it ? Fascia is basically collagen as it makes up the fibrous parts of the fascia. This is the soft, connective tissue that runs all throughout your body including around your organs, nerves, muscles, through your abdominal wall, and more! Fascia sometimes thought of…
Read MoreGet the facts on Abdominal Separation or Diastasis Recti
I know abdominal separation can be a big concern, and if you aren’t even sure what it exactly is – don’t let that frighten you because it HAS to happen during pregnancy…your core needs to separate to make way for your growing baby. However certain movements and exercises can exacerbate the separation – this when diastasis…
Read MoreHow to train your core during and after pregnancy – free guide & videos.
Pregnancy is the BEST time to strengthen your core Safe and effective core training during and after pregnancy is incredibly important to keep your body functioning optimally. Or if you have had a baby – it is not too late to start (remember you are post natal forever) ! Download my FREE guide where I teach…
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