7 tips to clear the confusion over diastasis recti

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Have you been trying to find answers about the best ways to heal your Diastasis Recti ? Most likely, you’ve heard some very disheartening or scary information? Don’t believe everything you read or hear as there’s a lot of misleading and fear based myths about Diastasis out there. It’s time to cut through those and get some…

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SupaCore scientifically proven to support your CORE


I am often asked about compression support for pregnancy, post birth recovery and motherhood. SupaCore is proudly Australian and has a unique scientifically proven CORETECH™ waistband technology which has developed to into activewear including leggings and shorts that can be worn during pregnancy, sport and exercise – for any level of fitness. Best of all CORETECH™ by SupaCore…

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Why does my belly still look pregnant?


Does your belly still look pregnant, even though you had your baby a few months ago? Is your post-pregnancy belly protruding, as if you were in the early stages of pregnancy again and does it feel hard not squishy? This could be due to a condition known as diastasis recti. Get the facts here. But other factors could…

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Fascia and pelvic floor connection during pregnancy postpartum motherhood


The importance of fascia during and after pregnancy …and exactly what is it ? Fascia is basically collagen as it makes up the fibrous parts of the fascia. This is the soft, connective tissue that runs all throughout your body including around your organs, nerves, muscles, through your abdominal wall, and more! Fascia sometimes thought of…

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C Section birth and recovery – get the facts.


Before we chat about c-section or a cesarean let’s keep in mind too that no-one fails at birth ! Birth regardless of the way it happens is amazing and requires extensive rehabilitation and retraining of your core. Recovery after c-section Having a c-section does NOT protect your pelvic floor from being strained or compromised during pregnancy.…

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Maggie’s very special surrogacy pregnancy.


I met Maggie 10 years ago, at Mother’s Group when our first born, June Babies were less than 1 year old. I am so honoured to have Maggie share her rewarding and unique experience of  being a surrogate mum. Maggie, tell us about yourself.. I’m married with two young daughters. My husband is a teacher and I’m a…

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Green Smoothie – gluten free, dairy free, sugar free.

Pregnancy nutrition can be challenging, especially in the first trimester. One way to help keep morning sickness at bay (or help manage it) is to eat food rich in vitamin B6 and potassium. Avocados happen to be rich in both, with a 1 cup portion meeting 20% of the daily value for each. You’ll also…

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An important poem for motherhood – Slow Down Mummy


Sometimes you need to be told to, “slow down Mummy” as most days it is non-stop as a Mother. Just for today, don’t rush, put that phone down, forget about getting to work on time, doing the washing, making the beds and enjoy time with your family. Your little ones won’t be little forever. Here…

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Myths about pregnancy exercise


There are many suitable exercises to do during pregnancy but there are also several myths about pregnancy fitness. When you become pregnant, it can be overwhelming  thinking about exercise as you don’t want to do anything to jeopardise your pregnancy. Especially, if you have taken a long time to conceive, or have had fertility problems.…

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