Post Natal and Pregnancy Nutrition Guide


Pregnancy is not a time to use the excuse that you are “eating for two.” However it is the time to ensure you are educated and empowered to make the right decisions, on the best ways to nourish both you and your baby during pregnancy and beyond. That’s why I created my complimentary Pregnancy and…

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Is it safe to lose weight while pregnant ?


 I was recently interviewed by Aaptiv, the world’s original Audio Fitness App, and asked if it was safe to lose weight during pregnancy. Read more below. If you’re worried about gaining pregnancy weight, then you’re not alone. In fact, some women experience concerns about pregnancy weight gain, so they try to get a head start on postpartum…

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Pregnancy Obesity Get the Facts !


A new study which aired on the Australian ABC News found that children and babies born to obese mothers are more likely to be hospitalised in their first years.   21 percent of pregnant mothers are obese & 38 percent continue to be unhealthily overweight 9 months after birth – in Australia. Basically, if a mother…

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