Posts Tagged ‘ultimate pregnant core’
Here is a simple postnatal lower core deep core connection workout for you to try at home. Follow my cues in the video below, but before you begin to find out what level is suitable for you if you have diastatis recti. Exercise is only suitable from approx 8 -10 weeks post birth. How to know if you are ready for…
Read MorePREGNANCY EXERCISE WEBINAR – complimentary online masterclass
Let’s not complicate things when it comes to your pregnancy exercise journey. Being stuck at home it is tempting to follow the latest fitness influencer’s workout, with fluffy or confusing moves that require you to contort your body into all sorts of compromising positions. Learning what is safe and effective pregnancy exercise, is going to…
Read MoreWhy a better postpartum recovery starts during pregnancy !
I truly believe that an effective postpartum recovery starts during pregnancy. Learning how to train your core and pelvic floor not only as you workout but as you move about your day is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Enhancing your core muscles is not about getting washboard abs, it’s about moving…
Read MoreHow your UPPER BACK can improve your core
Spinal flexion from the upper back or thoracic spine, can lead to – neck, shoulder upper and lower back pain, plus a compromised core ! Think about how much time you spend hunched your device, or pram, steering wheel or change tables. Improving the mobility and extension of your thoracic spine can improve your posture, deep…
Read MoreSafe abdominal exercises for pregnancy postpartum
Pregnant and postpartum women often ask me what are the best abdominal exercises for pregnancy and postpartum ? This question often arises from concern’s about diastatisis recti and the dreaded post birth “mummy tummy’ or “postpartum pooch” Firstly – what is the core? Did you know, your six pack muscles (more correctly termed the Rectus Abdominis or…
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