Chocolate Caramel Almond Hearts – sugar free, gluten free, dairy free.


At my Free Pregnancy Fitness Seminar on Friday evening, we all munched on these delicious Chocolate Caramel Almond Hearts. An easy recipe that is high in healthy fats and natural protein and is sugar free. Recipe Healthy Choc Caramel Almond Hearts Ingredients : 1 cup of dry roasted almonds 1 tbsp cacao powder Generous pinch…

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Green Smoothie – gluten free, dairy free, sugar free.

Pregnancy nutrition can be challenging, especially in the first trimester. One way to help keep morning sickness at bay (or help manage it) is to eat food rich in vitamin B6 and potassium. Avocados happen to be rich in both, with a 1 cup portion meeting 20% of the daily value for each. You’ll also…

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Avocado Chocolate Mousse – vegan, gluten free.


Now…. don’t freak out, yes this chocolate mousse has avocado in it ! Trust me if I didn’t tell you, you wouldn’t even notice. Even better give it to the kids and they will think it is the best treat ever.  It is so simple and delicious plus is a fantastic alternative if you are…

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