Tips for fitting in exercise if you are a busy Mum.


How and when do you train ? Is a question I am often asked by pregnant, post natal, and #BFabSquad members who like me have very full lives ! Here I am below squeezing in 20 minutes of Cardio HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) at the park just after I have trained a client. To…

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Recipes and Tips for Post Pregnancy Nutrition


Yay, your beautiful bundle of joy has finally arrived, congratulations and well done to you! There’s so much to do and learn with a newborn that often feeding and yourself effectively postpartum is often the last thing on your mind. It’s so important though, to nourish and nurture yourself as well as your baby. To help…

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Green Smoothie – gluten free, dairy free, sugar free.

Pregnancy nutrition can be challenging, especially in the first trimester. One way to help keep morning sickness at bay (or help manage it) is to eat food rich in vitamin B6 and potassium. Avocados happen to be rich in both, with a 1 cup portion meeting 20% of the daily value for each. You’ll also…

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Superfood – Kale. Super Vegetable. Super Versatile.


Kale is a superfood. Yes it is a super vegetable…its not just one of these new “trendy” health fads. It is my favourite vegetable as it is SO VERSATILE you can use it in salads, smoothies, stir fries and I even add it as a “hidden veggie” in my bolognaise sauce (which is on high…

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1 pan meal : Brussel Sprouts with Bacon, Cauliflower & Lamb – gluten free


I am all for an easy and nutritious meal that can be made in 1 pan. This is one of my favourites :  Brussel Sprouts with Bacon, Cauliflower and Lamb cutlets. Yep I said brussel sprouts and… YES my kids loved it, I am sure this recipe will change your perception of this little under-rated vegetable too …

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10 Tips for POSTPARTUM fat loss – post natal

As a Mum to 3 kids I understand that post-pregnancy there is a tonne of confusing advice about fat loss, how to eat and where and how to exercise. As a postnatal trainer I constantly hear things such as…. “Have you tried the Dukan diet….I only eat Paleo style, Do I need to quit sugar…What…

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Avocado Chocolate Mousse – vegan, gluten free.


Now…. don’t freak out, yes this chocolate mousse has avocado in it ! Trust me if I didn’t tell you, you wouldn’t even notice. Even better give it to the kids and they will think it is the best treat ever.  It is so simple and delicious plus is a fantastic alternative if you are…

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How to return to exercise post birth postpartum – safely ?

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You have probably just recovered from the biggest work out of your life – birth ! And despite the challenges of early motherhood you are probably wondering when can I start exercising after giving birth now that I am postpartum? How can I do this safely ? My 2nd son only 5 days old. What…

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