4 Tips to balance your hormones during pregnancy postpartum


I am sure during and after pregnancy you (and your partner) have been fully introduced to your hormones. I know during my pregnancy and post-birth some days I would feel like a cranky 13 year old brat and other days completely euphoric, with crazy massive mood swings. Hello hormotional roller-coaster ! If you have had…

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Green Smoothie – gluten free, dairy free, sugar free.

Pregnancy nutrition can be challenging, especially in the first trimester. One way to help keep morning sickness at bay (or help manage it) is to eat food rich in vitamin B6 and potassium. Avocados happen to be rich in both, with a 1 cup portion meeting 20% of the daily value for each. You’ll also…

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Superfood – Kale. Super Vegetable. Super Versatile.


Kale is a superfood. Yes it is a super vegetable…its not just one of these new “trendy” health fads. It is my favourite vegetable as it is SO VERSATILE you can use it in salads, smoothies, stir fries and I even add it as a “hidden veggie” in my bolognaise sauce (which is on high…

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Bliss ball snowballs a perfect pregnancy snack !


Bliss balls are a wonderful snack, if you are pregnant. They help curb cravings plus are great to keep in your bag when you are out and about and a bit stuck for suitable pregnancy food. This bliss ball recipe is also great as an after school or toddler snack. They are vegan, dairy free,…

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Labour-aid. A drink perfect for labour and birth


I tell all my pregnancy and post natal clients that labour is going to be the biggest work-out of your life ! So it is important you are fit, strong and prepared. Just like any work-out you need to ensure you are properly hydrated, this  labour-aid drink is fantastic natural drink for sipping on between contractions.…

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