How the feet impact the core and pelvic floor


If you have been hanging with me for a while you would have heard me say….the Pelvic Floor and the rest of the CORE –  DON’T WORK IN ISOLATION, they are part of a fascially integrated and functionally synergistic WHOLE. The ‘conversation’ between the core and the rest of the body runs from the toes to the…

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Return to RUNNING & MORE INTENSE exercise post birth – postpartum


Hey Mama are you feeling like you are ready to get back into more regular and intense forms of exercise post birth including running and high impact moves ?  If you have had a baby 5 weeks, 5 months or 5 + years ago please watch my video below and learn 4 key strategies to…

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How to return to exercise post birth postpartum – safely ?

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You have probably just recovered from the biggest work out of your life – birth ! And despite the challenges of early motherhood you are probably wondering when can I start exercising after giving birth now that I am postpartum? How can I do this safely ? My 2nd son only 5 days old. What…

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