Become a Certified Pregnancy & Post Natal Trainer + Fitness Business Mentoring


If you are a fitness professional and you train women, it is highly likely you will need to expand your knowledge. Why you need to expand your knowledge if you train women? At least 85% of women will have a baby in their lives Post baby – all women are postpartum FOREVER so specialised knowledge…

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Superfood – Kale. Super Vegetable. Super Versatile.


Kale is a superfood. Yes it is a super vegetable…its not just one of these new “trendy” health fads. It is my favourite vegetable as it is SO VERSATILE you can use it in salads, smoothies, stir fries and I even add it as a “hidden veggie” in my bolognaise sauce (which is on high…

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Bliss ball snowballs a perfect pregnancy snack !


Bliss balls are a wonderful snack, if you are pregnant. They help curb cravings plus are great to keep in your bag when you are out and about and a bit stuck for suitable pregnancy food. This bliss ball recipe is also great as an after school or toddler snack. They are vegan, dairy free,…

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10 Tips for POSTPARTUM fat loss – post natal

As a Mum to 3 kids I understand that post-pregnancy there is a tonne of confusing advice about fat loss, how to eat and where and how to exercise. As a postnatal trainer I constantly hear things such as…. “Have you tried the Dukan diet….I only eat Paleo style, Do I need to quit sugar…What…

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Correct form during pregnancy exercise will change your health.


There is no doubt about it …women who exercise with correct form and posture when pregnant will return to shape faster and more effectively than those that do not. Research has also shown that the right form of exercise can certainly shorten the second stage of labour and improve post birth recovery. Important Pregnancy Exercise Tips…

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Myths about pregnancy exercise


There are many suitable exercises to do during pregnancy but there are also several myths about pregnancy fitness. When you become pregnant, it can be overwhelming  thinking about exercise as you don’t want to do anything to jeopardise your pregnancy. Especially, if you have taken a long time to conceive, or have had fertility problems.…

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Why exercise before during and after pregnancy ?


When to start ? I commonly see many women fall pregnant, then suddenly decide now is the time to start exercising. Several women have never exercised before, however, as they now have a little one growing inside them they feel great urgency to become super healthy and commence a pregnancy exercise routine. Exercising during pregnancy…

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