What is Prehab and why it is essential for all workouts ?


You don’t get results by doing ONE thing to help your progress then maintain those results by simply going back to what you were doing before (or do nothing) You can NEVER stop doing what made you “better” ! I mention this because so often I see many women do “rehab” for an injury (including…

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Why pay for Personal Training ?


“I don’t understand why you are paying someone to personally train you on something you could just do yourself !”These words about “why pay for personal training” came from the mouth of one of my client’s husband, a self-professed DIYer of all the things; from mountain biking and building to laying new wooden floors.  And…

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What makes Dahlas’ BFABMETHOD different ?


As fully certified and experienced pregnancy and female fitness specialist, my passion is to help all women be the happiest, most fabulous version of themselves. My philosophy is to use exercise as a way to connect better to body rather than just a tool to change it. I provide real solutions, that have helped thousands…

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Bodyfabulous pregnancy and postpartum fitness is based on the Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang. Or to put is simply – achieving balance. Yin is the “oil” that fuels the fire. In order to stay motivated you need plenty of oil and the more you have, the more Yang you can output.  Yang  is the…

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