Pregnancy Exercise – 5 DAY CHALLENGE


Hey beautiful lady are you Pregnant  ? I would love you to join me in my 5 day online Pregnancy Exercise Challenge. I only run these a couple of times a year so don’t miss out as it is a freebie ! WE START JAN 20TH – 2020 REGISTER HERE Tell me are you… Overwhelmed…

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Prepare your pelvic floor to JUMP cough or sneeze – pregnancy & postpartum


Do you sometimes dread coughing, laughing or if you will ever have to jump !I get it …. as at least 1 in 4 women are suffering some for of leaking or don’t know how to activate their pelvic floor correctly to avoid this dreaded #peezing ! I can jump on a trampoline ! I…

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Rotational movement – to avoid pregnancy postpartum pains


During pregnancy, postpartum and in general daily life we all rotate. Rotational movement includes – getting in and out of a car, driving, walking, reaching etc. This kind of movement only increases as you enter motherhood – turning from the front seat of a car to reach your child, twisting to get your baby in…

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Safe abdominal exercises for pregnancy postpartum


Pregnant and postpartum women often ask me what are the best abdominal exercises for pregnancy and postpartum ? This question often arises from concern’s about diastatisis recti and the dreaded post birth  “mummy tummy’ or “postpartum pooch” Firstly – what is the core?  Did you know, your six pack muscles (more correctly termed the Rectus Abdominis or…

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Why you are postnatal or postpartum FOREVER !


Did you know that post birth you are actually “postnatal forever” ! Pregnancy and birth have a HUGE impact on your core and pelvic floor, and I think most Mama’s can agree that you do not “snap” back to your pre-body when you are 6 weeks postpartum, especially when you are given the “all clear”…

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How to measure your Diastatis Recti / Abdominal Separation


Diastasis recti (DR) can be a big concern both during and after pregnancy. If you aren’t sure what diastasis recti is – it’s abdominal separation that occurs during pregnancy and continues both birth. This separation is completely normal and HAS to happen during pregnancy –  your core needs to separate to make way for your…

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How to BREATHE during Pregnancy / Postpartum workouts


BREATHE OUT !  Is a cue I repeat with all my clients who are pregnant, postpartum or having pelvic floor and diastasis recti concerns, during any form of movement. By this I mean ….exhale on exertion or the hardest part of the exercise and especially when you lift. Why you need to exhale on exertion –…

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An essential pelvic floor exercise for Pregnancy Postpartum


Hey are you struggling to know exactly WHAT pelvic floor exercises you should be doing ? Did you know only 1 in 4 women actually know how to engage their pelvic floor correctly. Why should I strengthen my pelvic floor ? Your pelvic floor is the foundation of your core. The pelvic floor muscles are located in…

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Fascia and pelvic floor connection during pregnancy postpartum motherhood


The importance of fascia during and after pregnancy …and exactly what is it ? Fascia is basically collagen as it makes up the fibrous parts of the fascia. This is the soft, connective tissue that runs all throughout your body including around your organs, nerves, muscles, through your abdominal wall, and more! Fascia sometimes thought of…

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