7 Female Fitness Myths

female fitness myths

Here are 7 common female fitness myths that need to be debunked. 1. Stop forcing down 4L OF WATER PER DAY – you might be flushing important minerals tune into your thirst cues, sip as you need (your bladder will also thank you). 2. Exercise does not reduce your baby’s milk supply or change the…

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How to create Core integrity


It’s so important to move in DIFFERENT ways to build CORE integrity. This means that crunches, sit ups and planks are not the only way to train the core. Deep and functional core training is also not only limited to pregnant or post birth women, it is essential for ALL BODIES ! Oh so you…

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How the feet impact the core and pelvic floor


If you have been hanging with me for a while you would have heard me say….the Pelvic Floor and the rest of the CORE –  DON’T WORK IN ISOLATION, they are part of a fascially integrated and functionally synergistic WHOLE. The ‘conversation’ between the core and the rest of the body runs from the toes to the…

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Your jaw is a mirror of your pelvic floor


Did you know the jaw and pelvis are physiologically connected and the alignment and relaxation of each deeply affects each other. Embryonic beginnings of the jaw and pelvic floor… There is fascial line from the pelvis to the jaw and this is created during embryonic development in the womb. On day 15 of conception an…

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Intimacy after birth can be challenging


This topic should not be taboo, however discussing S.E.X after babies is something that is often avoided. Most conversations I hear from new mama’s are about birth control, and rarely about some of the challenges that can emerge both physically and mentally when it comes to intimacy after birth. Losing your mojo or being overwhelmed is…

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Instagram Reels for Pregnancy and Post Natal Mamas


So I have been having a bit of FUN lately on Instagram Reels ! I love movement and music so I will be honest making these little clips does bring me joy. Plus I hope more mamas will learn some key tips about cherishing your body and mind during pregnancy and motherhood. Answering FAQ on…

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kEGELS perimenopause and postpartum at same time bodyfabulous female fitness coach hormones kegels

If only it were true that all you need is 40 reps a day of KEGELS for a “stronger better, tighter, pelvic floor”. Unfortunately there is ongoing Kegel or not to KEGEL confusion! Why I don’t work with Kegels If you have been following me for a while you have probably learned that I don’t really…

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Can I exercise with a pelvic organ prolapse ?


If you have given birth (and yes birth includes a c-section), 6 weeks, 6 months or beyond 6 years ago you owe it to yourself to have a good understanding about what a prolapse is. Why ? As current research says 50% of women who have ever given birth are likely to have some form…

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Online Pregnancy Exercise Program – The Ultimate Pregnant Core


I would love you to join me in my Ultimate Pregnant Core Program. In this online pregnancy exercise program I will guide you through a step by step process to train your CORE during pregnancy with fun safe total body workouts. LEARN MORE I only take limited numbers so I can provide you with the…

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