Why Kegels & medication may not be helping your bladder urgency


Did you know bladder urgency is NOT just about your bladder  It’s a combination of lifestyle choices, habits, strength, nervous system miscommunication, neuroplasticity, flexibility and mobility, your diaphragm/pelvic floor relationship. With that being said, medications and Kegels are not the “holy grail” solution to a problem that requires many of the above to work together…

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7 tips to clear the confusion over diastasis recti

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Have you been trying to find answers about the best ways to heal your Diastasis Recti ? Most likely, you’ve heard some very disheartening or scary information? Don’t believe everything you read or hear as there’s a lot of misleading and fear based myths about Diastasis out there. It’s time to cut through those and get some…

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3 Ways to use a Fitball


You may call it, a Fitball, Swissball, Birthball or Stability Ball. Regardless we’re talking about the same item of fitness equipment, that is one of my favourite items to use. They are fabulous for pregnancy exercise but also have many other added bonuses if postbirth or recovering from injury or pelvic floor concerns! Here are 3 simple but effective moves to try with a Fitball: 1.…

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Your jaw is a mirror of your pelvic floor


Did you know the jaw and pelvis are physiologically connected and the alignment and relaxation of each deeply affects each other. Embryonic beginnings of the jaw and pelvic floor… There is fascial line from the pelvis to the jaw and this is created during embryonic development in the womb. On day 15 of conception an…

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Can I exercise with a pelvic organ prolapse ?


If you have given birth (and yes birth includes a c-section), 6 weeks, 6 months or beyond 6 years ago you owe it to yourself to have a good understanding about what a prolapse is. Why ? As current research says 50% of women who have ever given birth are likely to have some form…

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An essential pelvic floor exercise for Pregnancy Postpartum


Hey are you struggling to know exactly WHAT pelvic floor exercises you should be doing ? Did you know only 1 in 4 women actually know how to engage their pelvic floor correctly. Why should I strengthen my pelvic floor ? Your pelvic floor is the foundation of your core. The pelvic floor muscles are located in…

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Exercises you can do while breastfeeding or nursing your baby !


Trying to work out when you can return to exercise post birth can be challenging. It can be even more tricky if you are breastfeeding. With the additional challenges of inconsistent feeding times, potential leaking breasts and trying to find comfortable and functional activewear ! Here are a few tips to take care of your…

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Get Peachy – release your glutes and core.


It’s time to get PEACHY ! Mama’s and Mama’s to be PLEASE show off your bootiful booties and stop “tucking and sucking”. As females told to do this (I know I was told as a ballet dancer) to squeeze my glutes and draw in my core. Doing this for prolonged periods is actually unhealthy for…

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Abdominal separation and how to prevent it.


Abdominal separation is a normal condition that occurs in pregnancy to allow for the growth of the baby and uterus. Most women will have some degree of separation or Diastasis Recti (DR) towards the end of a pregnancy. However it is the size and depth of the separation that can become problematic post birth if…

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