Get the facts on GUT HEALTH for pregnancy & motherhood


We all pretty much know that when your tummy is unhappy you are pretty unhappy as it can affect you in myriad of physical and emotional ways. To get the facts on gut health Nutritionist, Naturopath and Women’s Health Specialist Georgia Marrion provides some expert tips on navigating gut health in the video below Get…

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Green Goddess an essential pregnancy + postpartum protein smoothie


Finding a protein powder that contains no nasties and is perfect for pregnancy, breastfeeding that is delicious in smoothies can be tricky ! Switch Nutrition has products that are all natural and contain zero artificial additives. Purity and high-quality is their main focus. Best of all their products are Australian Made and completely safe for pregnancy…

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Need help with your pregnancy & postpartum diet ?


Navigating what to include in your diet during pregnancy and postpartum can be overwhelming. There is a lot of information and mis-information out there. Plus as females we have been “programmed” to view many foods as good or bad unless they are…low carb, fat free, sugar free and also listeria free if you are pregnant.…

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Real Food for Pregnancy – Interview with Lily Nichols

real food for pregnancy_lilynicholsinterview

The thought of food during pregnancy can sometimes be overwhelming due to nausea, tiredness and an influx of advice and options. Discover what is the best food to nourish you during pregnancy and beyond with real evidence based nutrition solutions, to ensure optimal fetal development and fabulous healthy body for you ! The book, Real Food For…

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