Support and heal your pregnancy and postpartum body with Mama Body Tea


I love finding beautiful Aussie family-run businesses that create high-quality products to help support and heal pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding mamas. MAMA BODY TEA is an Australian business founded by Jessica Spencer in 2012, when she became a mother and wanted to find a natural way to help with settling her baby’s upset tummy, and…

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Consider these 4 tips if you are pregnant or mama runner !


Hey there ! Are you a pregnant or a mama runner. I admire that you are using jogging or running to stay fit, and energised. But I also want to ensure you are doing this safely and effectively during your precious pregnancy journey and post birth. Discover 4 important things if you are running during…

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Holiday Eating Cheat Sheet – pregnancy and postpartum


With all the delicious treats gracing the table, it can be overwhelming trying to navigate balanced nutrition over the festive season. And when you’re pregnant, you may also be concerned about food it ok to actually eat Christmas Ham ? Live Masterclass REPLAY with Nutritionist Georgia Marrion Watch the LIVE REPLAY BELOW as I…

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Can I exercise with a pelvic organ prolapse ?


If you have given birth (and yes birth includes a c-section), 6 weeks, 6 months or beyond 6 years ago you owe it to yourself to have a good understanding about what a prolapse is. Why ? As current research says 50% of women who have ever given birth are likely to have some form…

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Keen to get to Boot Camp or CrossFit as a new Mum ?


Are you and new Mum and keen to return to running, the local boot camp, CrossFit or gym class ? The pressure to return to “pre-baby size” is very prevalent in the media and fitness industry. Plus I am often as this question by many Mama’s – when can I return to “what I did before…

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Green Goddess an essential pregnancy + postpartum protein smoothie


Finding a protein powder that contains no nasties and is perfect for pregnancy, breastfeeding that is delicious in smoothies can be tricky ! Switch Nutrition has products that are all natural and contain zero artificial additives. Purity and high-quality is their main focus. Best of all their products are Australian Made and completely safe for pregnancy…

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Need help with your pregnancy & postpartum diet ?


Navigating what to include in your diet during pregnancy and postpartum can be overwhelming. There is a lot of information and mis-information out there. Plus as females we have been “programmed” to view many foods as good or bad unless they are…low carb, fat free, sugar free and also listeria free if you are pregnant.…

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Do training by Trimester exercises actually work ?


During pregnancy to get the most out of an exercise and to keep “safe” traditional rhetoric has been to focus on specific prenatal exercises that match a certain “stage” that our body is at. For example, you may have come across exercise programs that suggest … Do this exercise for 1st trimester only, these movements…

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Dairy Free Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Safe Protein Powder


I am often asked “Where can I find a protein powder that is dairy free and also pregnancy and breastfeeding safe ? ” Firstly let’s confirm that not all protein powders are safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding. As not all protein powder are created equal, many contain weird additives and fillers. Read more on that…

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