Safe Pregnancy Workout – Lunges & Squats


An exercise that many women find challenging during pregnancy and postpartum is lunges. Lunges can feel challenging due prenatal postural changes and also hip and pelvic pain. I am passionate about helping all women stay fit and healthy during and after pregnancy, I have added many safe pregnancy / postpartum workout videos and wellness tips in my…

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Should you eat for TWO during pregnancy ? As featured in Aaptiv


I was recently interviewed by Aaptiv about the common question …. should you eat for two (or even three) during pregnancy ? It’s a question that is often easily misconstrued if you, or your family and friends are not really sure about how pregnancy should impact your eating habits. You can read the full Aaptiv article…

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25 Pregnancy & Postpartum Nutritious Snacks


Nutritious snacks are a secret super power that I want to share with you. As most women are not eating enough (read why here) or if they are, it is not the most nutritious choices. As a busy Mama of 3 I know how hard it is both during pregnancy and postpartum to stay well nourished. Especially…

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Rotational movement – to avoid pregnancy postpartum pains


During pregnancy, postpartum and in general daily life we all rotate. Rotational movement includes – getting in and out of a car, driving, walking, reaching etc. This kind of movement only increases as you enter motherhood – turning from the front seat of a car to reach your child, twisting to get your baby in…

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Why I became a Pregnancy Postpartum Trainer / Coach


Hey there …would you like to know why I became a pregnancy and postpartum trainer ? I started working in the fitness industry when I was 17 as I loved sport and exercise and thought it would be an awesome part-time job during my university studies. It sure was –  I trained as a personal…

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Safe abdominal exercises for pregnancy postpartum


Pregnant and postpartum women often ask me what are the best abdominal exercises for pregnancy and postpartum ? This question often arises from concern’s about diastatisis recti and the dreaded post birth  “mummy tummy’ or “postpartum pooch” Firstly – what is the core?  Did you know, your six pack muscles (more correctly termed the Rectus Abdominis or…

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Chia pudding – pregnancy/ postpartum breakfast & snack


I am often asked by many pregnant and postpartum women – what can I have for breakfast that is easy and nutritious ? Chia seed pudding is perfect (and so are eggs…more on them here). Fabulous chia seeds Chia seeds are unique as they have an ideal balance of soluble and insoluble fibre – meaning…

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Eggs are a Pregnancy Postpartum SUPERFOOD


Eggs are fabulous superfood for both during and after pregnancy. They are a convenient source of protein and also packed with essential vitamins and minerals that are commonly lacking in many women’s pregnancy and postpartum diet. Forget cholesterol concerns and learn about Choline in eggs Choline is found in egg yolks and has the same…

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Pregnancy Exercise – should you monitor your HEART RATE ?


Planning to exercise during pregnancy ? You might have been told you need to monitor your heart rate or that it can only be at a certain level. Do not raise heart rate above 140 bpm. 140 bpm (or beats per minute) was the so called “safe” level set several years ago. Women were told it…

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