I was recently interviewed by Aaptiv about the common question …. should you eat for two (or even three) during pregnancy ? It’s a question that is often easily misconstrued if you, or your family and friends are not really sure about how pregnancy should impact your eating habits.
You can read the full Aaptiv article I am featured in here.
It isn’t how much you eat that matters when you’re pregnant, but rather what you eat.
As you have probably heard me say before, during pregnancy and postpartum try to focus on eating nutrient-dense foods, as opposed to just doubling the portion sizes of your meals. This is important because during pregnancy your nutrient intake during pregnancy affects the development of your baby in utero. If you are not sure where to start – grab my free Pregnancy and Postpartum Nutrition Guide here
Do you think you are eating too much during pregnancy ?
When the nausea subsides, many pregnant women think they are eating “too much”. During this precious time please try to forget about the numbers – including counting calories and that number on the scale ! Instead, try to tap into how you feel. Are you energised or exhausted ? Most often answer will tell you if you’re meeting your nutrient needs as it is connected to your energy levels.
What is healthy pregnancy weight gain ?
Also, don’t worry if your weight is fluctuating, that’s completely normal. During pregnancy, weight will fluctuate immensely due to big hormonal shifts and the growth rate of your baby (which naturally varies with every woman). Commonly, doctors or midwifes weigh pregnant women at regular check-up appointments. However, if this causes you anxiety, then you can request that your doctor only weighs you if he or she is concerned about you being under- or overweight. You can read more about healthy pregnancy weight gain in my blog post here.
Food risks during pregnancy
For many pregnant women there is also concerns about avoiding certain foods due to bacteria and listeria risks. Too often being extra vigilant can mean many women skip meals and miss out on essential nutrients for their growing babies. For example – fish is often can be avoided due to a concern with mercury levels. However, fish contains essential fatty acids and DHA which are important for a growing baby’s development.
I highly recommend you listen to my interview with Nutritionist Lily Nichols about pregnancy food risks and nourishing you and your baby safely and effectively. Lily has over 123 evidence-based nutrition studies cited in her book – Real Food For Pregnancy.
Finally, it’s important to remember that every woman has their own unique and personal experiences during pregnancy and beyond. Please consult with your doctor about what best meets your needs.
Or if you are looking for extra support from a fabulous group of mama’s and mama’s to be. Make sure you reach out in my Facebook Community called the #BFABSQUAD
p.s Are you looking to dive a bit deeper with your pregnancy wellness including safe and effective exercise and expert nutritional guidance? Then, you don’t want to miss my online pregnancy and postpartum membership THE BFAB METHOD. Doors open soon…get on the registration list right here.

About Dahlas
Dahlas Fletcher is one of Australia’s most respected and successful certified and experienced Pregnancy and Female Fitness Trainers. Her goal is to help you be the happiest, most fabulous version of yourself, inside and out.