5 mindset strategies for pregnancy and postpartum


Use these 5 mindset strategies to sideline any mental and emotional obstacles that often arise during pregnancy and postpartum. Self doubt, overwhelm, perfectionism and procrastination are all too familiar, especially when trying to embark on a fitness and wellness journey ! Simply shifting your mindset and mental habits can make exercise and nutrition so much…

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Online Pregnancy Exercise Program – The Ultimate Pregnant Core


I would love you to join me in my Ultimate Pregnant Core Program. In this online pregnancy exercise program I will guide you through a step by step process to train your CORE during pregnancy with fun safe total body workouts. LEARN MORE I only take limited numbers so I can provide you with the…

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Safe Pregnancy Workout – Lunges & Squats


An exercise that many women find challenging during pregnancy and postpartum is lunges. Lunges can feel challenging due prenatal postural changes and also hip and pelvic pain. I am passionate about helping all women stay fit and healthy during and after pregnancy, I have added many safe pregnancy / postpartum workout videos and wellness tips in my…

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Stop counting CALORIES and lose weight – I did !


I am often asked …How many calories should I eat during pregnancy?How many calories should I eat to lose baby weight ? Did you know… CALORIE counts are just estimates. The actual calories your body receives from foods varies – depending on so many factors. So trying to chase the “right amount” of calories is…

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5 Minute TONED TUMMY WORKOUT- safe for Pregnancy Postpartum


Want to work towards a TONED TUMMY NOW without a sit ups or crunhes ? If you have no medical conditions and have been cleared for exercise this is a fabulous movement for you as it’s suitable for any trimester of Pregnancy and Post Birth and also any level of fitness ! BIRD/DOG …or I…

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Why exercise before during and after pregnancy ?


When to start ? I commonly see many women fall pregnant, then suddenly decide now is the time to start exercising. Several women have never exercised before, however, as they now have a little one growing inside them they feel great urgency to become super healthy and commence a pregnancy exercise routine. Exercising during pregnancy…

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