Pumpkin Bread- Gluten Free + FODMAP friendly


Pumpkin is high in antioxidants and restorative minerals (perfect for post birth healing) including potassium, magnesium, vitamins A, C + E. Pumpkin also helps support a healthy immune system and digestive system and it the perfect toddler and first baby food ! This recipe is also low FODMAP as it uses Japanese Pumpkin and makes…

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Get the facts on GUT HEALTH for pregnancy & motherhood


We all pretty much know that when your tummy is unhappy you are pretty unhappy as it can affect you in myriad of physical and emotional ways. To get the facts on gut health Nutritionist, Naturopath and Women’s Health Specialist Georgia Marrion provides some expert tips on navigating gut health in the video below Get…

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Holiday Eating Cheat Sheet – pregnancy and postpartum


With all the delicious treats gracing the table, it can be overwhelming trying to navigate balanced nutrition over the festive season. And when you’re pregnant, you may also be concerned about food safety..is it ok to actually eat Christmas Ham ? Live Masterclass REPLAY with Nutritionist Georgia Marrion Watch the LIVE REPLAY BELOW as I…

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Need help with your pregnancy & postpartum diet ?


Navigating what to include in your diet during pregnancy and postpartum can be overwhelming. There is a lot of information and mis-information out there. Plus as females we have been “programmed” to view many foods as good or bad unless they are…low carb, fat free, sugar free and also listeria free if you are pregnant.…

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Dairy Free Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Safe Protein Powder


I am often asked “Where can I find a protein powder that is dairy free and also pregnancy and breastfeeding safe ? ” Firstly let’s confirm that not all protein powders are safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding. As not all protein powder are created equal, many contain weird additives and fillers. Read more on that…

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Mezze- an easy pregnancy postpartum meal & snack


Choosing and easy and nutritious pregnancy and postpartum meal or snack can be hard. Tiredness, nausea or simply being over preparing food for every other human in the house can often leave you wondering “What can I eat ? or What should I eat ?” The Choose Your Own Adventure Mezze Plate Is a fabulous…

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Post Natal and Pregnancy Nutrition Guide


Pregnancy is not a time to use the excuse that you are “eating for two.” However it is the time to ensure you are educated and empowered to make the right decisions, on the best ways to nourish both you and your baby during pregnancy and beyond. That’s why I created my complimentary Pregnancy and…

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