Discover new ways to exercise during and after pregnancy.

Are you looking for safe and effective ways to exercise during pregnancy ? Discover new ways to cherish your body during and after pregnancy. Join my Facebook Community the #BFabSquad. So you can feel physically and emotionally during this precious time with the support of a fabulous group of women and me ! Why ? I am frequently…

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Amazing gifts for a New Mum or Baby Shower


Are you looking for the perfect baby shower gift ? Or perhaps something special for a new mum on Mother’s Day? It’s no secret that motherhood brings many life changes, both wonderful and overwhelming. You blink, and suddenly life as you know it has shifted… again. If you are a friend or family member of…

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Should I exercise to exhaustion to get results ?

I want to bust a myth. You can’t base the effectiveness of an exercise or workout on the feeling of your muscles “burning”.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Exercising to exhaustion or “burn” does not guarantee results!⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ This whole “feel the burn” notion that you have to be sore after each workout is flawed, as some people are genetically…

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Self Care is not just for hipsters – pregnancy & postpartum


Self-care is a pretty hot topic at the moment. Some might think it’s just a trend and only for hipsters. Well, ladies – it sure ain’t … As women, we all do multiple roles during any given day. We may be a mum, daughter, significant other, sister, boss, co-worker, entrepreneur, carer, friend, among many things.…

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Is it safe to lose weight while pregnant ?


 I was recently interviewed by Aaptiv, the world’s original Audio Fitness App, and asked if it was safe to lose weight during pregnancy. Read more below. If you’re worried about gaining pregnancy weight, then you’re not alone. In fact, some women experience concerns about pregnancy weight gain, so they try to get a head start on postpartum…

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Get Peachy – release your glutes and core.


It’s time to get PEACHY ! Mama’s and Mama’s to be PLEASE show off your bootiful booties and stop “tucking and sucking”. As females told to do this (I know I was told as a ballet dancer) to squeeze my glutes and draw in my core. Doing this for prolonged periods is actually unhealthy for…

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Skin changes during pregnancy and motherhood


Some women seem to have that healthy skin “glow” during pregnancy. Personally, I was really surprised about how my skin changed during and after pregnancy. I had pigmentation, my skin became more sensitive and during my 3rd pregnancy I woke up one night feeling like my skin was crawling it was so itchy !  Here…

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What causes leg cramps during pregnancy ?


It is not uncommon to experience leg cramps and restless legs during pregnancy, particularly in the 3rd trimester. Many pregnant women experience some form of muscle spasms in their legs, with cramping being more frequent whilst sleeping. Leg cramps during pregnancy may be caused by the following : Additional weight gain of pregnancy Changes in…

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Are burpees and box jumps suitable post birth / postpartum ?


For every exercise there is a correct time and place to do it – including burpees, skipping and box jumps ! Especially if it is an exercise that improves function and moves you closer to a specific goal. During pregnancy and postpartum try to choose exercises that are safe and effective, plus also improve mobility,…

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