Why pay for Personal Training ?


“I don’t understand why you are paying someone to personally train you on something you could just do yourself !”These words about “why pay for personal training” came from the mouth of one of my client’s husband, a self-professed DIYer of all the things; from mountain biking and building to laying new wooden floors.  And…

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What makes Dahlas’ BFABMETHOD different ?


As fully certified and experienced pregnancy and female fitness specialist, my passion is to help all women be the happiest, most fabulous version of themselves. My philosophy is to use exercise as a way to connect better to body rather than just a tool to change it. I provide real solutions, that have helped thousands…

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If it doesn’t make your feel FABULOUS don’t do it !


Unfortunately for too long the fitness/diet industry as set unrealistic expectations around #bodyfat and exercise for women for far too long. These expectations also include doing movement and exercises that may not be appropriate for a female body – which could have given birth or has core and pelvic floor concerns. To demonstrate this I recently REMIXED…

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SWIISH – Evidence based wellness that works


I recently travelled to my hometown Sydney and caught up with founders & sisters  Sally Obermeder and Maha Corbett at their fabulous SWIISH wellness event. Watch the video below … What does SWIISH stand for ? SWIISH stands for : Stylish Women Inspiring Inner Strength Health & Happiness & was created after Sally’s incredible triumph…

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Instagram Reels for Pregnancy and Post Natal Mamas


So I have been having a bit of FUN lately on Instagram Reels ! I love movement and music so I will be honest making these little clips does bring me joy. Plus I hope more mamas will learn some key tips about cherishing your body and mind during pregnancy and motherhood. Answering FAQ on…

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kEGELS perimenopause and postpartum at same time bodyfabulous female fitness coach hormones kegels

If only it were true that all you need is 40 reps a day of KEGELS for a “stronger better, tighter, pelvic floor”. Unfortunately there is ongoing Kegel or not to KEGEL confusion! Why I don’t work with Kegels If you have been following me for a while you have probably learned that I don’t really…

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What most HIIT workouts get wrong !


I have a bit of pet peeve when it comes to HIIT or INTERVAL WORKOUTS (or you might have heard these workouts described as TABATA).It’s when coaches say intense forms of exercise are the ONLY way to get results including…toning, fat loss, fitness, even preparation for your “birth marathon” etc Oh and if you do…

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Should I be eating FISH during pregnancy ?


A nutrition question that is commonly asked is …“Can I eat fish during pregnancy ?” Fish can be eaten during pregnancy and it IS packed with nutrients, however. if you are not a fish lover or struggling with pregnancy nausea please don’t worry as as nutrients in fish (mainly protein and beneficial fats) can also…

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Are you consistently inconsistent?


Did you know one of the things that puts us at the greatest risk for injury and can actually HINDER progression and results …inconsistency. This is partly because it creates a mindset and makes us think when I “get back on track” I will have to go “harder” than before as “I skipped a session”…

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