How to create Core integrity


It’s so important to move in DIFFERENT ways to build CORE integrity. This means that crunches, sit ups and planks are not the only way to train the core. Deep and functional core training is also not only limited to pregnant or post birth women, it is essential for ALL BODIES ! Oh so you…

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Why does my belly still look pregnant?


Does your belly still look pregnant, even though you had your baby a few months ago? Is your post-pregnancy belly protruding, as if you were in the early stages of pregnancy again and does it feel hard not squishy? This could be due to a condition known as diastasis recti. Get the facts here. But other factors could…

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Mezze- an easy pregnancy postpartum meal & snack


Choosing and easy and nutritious pregnancy and postpartum meal or snack can be hard. Tiredness, nausea or simply being over preparing food for every other human in the house can often leave you wondering “What can I eat ? or What should I eat ?” The Choose Your Own Adventure Mezze Plate Is a fabulous…

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Online Pregnancy Exercise Program – The Ultimate Pregnant Core


I would love you to join me in my Ultimate Pregnant Core Program. In this online pregnancy exercise program I will guide you through a step by step process to train your CORE during pregnancy with fun safe total body workouts. LEARN MORE I only take limited numbers so I can provide you with the…

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Pregnancy Exercise – 5 DAY CHALLENGE


Hey beautiful lady are you Pregnant  ? I would love you to join me in my 5 day online Pregnancy Exercise Challenge. I only run these a couple of times a year so don’t miss out as it is a freebie ! WE START JAN 20TH – 2020 REGISTER HERE Tell me are you… Overwhelmed…

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25 Pregnancy & Postpartum Nutritious Snacks


Nutritious snacks are a secret super power that I want to share with you. As most women are not eating enough (read why here) or if they are, it is not the most nutritious choices. As a busy Mama of 3 I know how hard it is both during pregnancy and postpartum to stay well nourished. Especially…

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Return to RUNNING & MORE INTENSE exercise post birth – postpartum


Hey Mama are you feeling like you are ready to get back into more regular and intense forms of exercise post birth including running and high impact moves ?  If you have had a baby 5 weeks, 5 months or 5 + years ago please watch my video below and learn 4 key strategies to…

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How to measure your Diastatis Recti / Abdominal Separation


Diastasis recti (DR) can be a big concern both during and after pregnancy. If you aren’t sure what diastasis recti is – it’s abdominal separation that occurs during pregnancy and continues both birth. This separation is completely normal and HAS to happen during pregnancy –  your core needs to separate to make way for your…

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Fab Five Challenge – Pregnancy Exercise


Hey beautiful lady are you Pregnant or have you just had a baby ? I would love you to join me in my Fab Five ONLINE Pregnancy and Postpartum Exercise Challenge ! Tell me are you… Overwhelmed by the advice you are receiving during pregnancy ? Confused about what exercises you can and can’t do…

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