Posts Tagged ‘postnatal core exercises’
What is core coning or abdominal doming ?
ABDOMINAL CONING …have you heard about it but struggle to know exactly what it is and what it looks like ? Here’s a tip that might help… When you see abdominal coning (don’t freak out) instead use this as information from your body that the movement you are doing during pregnancy or at any stage…
Read More7 Female Fitness Myths
Here are 7 common female fitness myths that need to be debunked. 1. Stop forcing down 4L OF WATER PER DAY – you might be flushing important minerals tune into your thirst cues, sip as you need (your bladder will also thank you). 2. Exercise does not reduce your baby’s milk supply or change the…
Read MoreThe secret to avoiding back pain
Back pain is very common before during and after pregnancy. At least 10% of the world’s adult population suffers from back pain at some point in their lives, with nearly 1/3 of all female adults suffering from lower back pain (compared to only a quarter of males). This includes a staggering 50% of pregnant women…
Read MoreHow to create Core integrity
It’s so important to move in DIFFERENT ways to build CORE integrity. This means that crunches, sit ups and planks are not the only way to train the core. Deep and functional core training is also not only limited to pregnant or post birth women, it is essential for ALL BODIES ! Oh so you…
Read More3 truths about Diastasis Recti
I spend my day discussing Diastasis a lot …with mothers of all ages & stages. Why? Because I am passionate about changing the narrative when the topic comes up (and it always does during & after pregnancy). Diastasis discussion often comes with a lot of negativity, fear, and general overwhelm. However, there are many things that can…
Read MoreHow to progress your CORE training with a FITBALL
There are some things to keep in mind with your exercise programming especially when it comes to core training which CAN still happen if you have any pelvic floor or core concerns. Rather than attempting traditional core exercises such as planks & sit-ups try a progressive strategy using my favourite item of equipment a FITBALL. Movement and exercise…
Read MoreYour jaw is a mirror of your pelvic floor
Did you know the jaw and pelvis are physiologically connected and the alignment and relaxation of each deeply affects each other. Embryonic beginnings of the jaw and pelvic floor… There is fascial line from the pelvis to the jaw and this is created during embryonic development in the womb. On day 15 of conception an…
Here is a simple postnatal lower core deep core connection workout for you to try at home. Follow my cues in the video below, but before you begin to find out what level is suitable for you if you have diastatis recti. Exercise is only suitable from approx 8 -10 weeks post birth. How to know if you are ready for…
Read MoreTo plank or not to plank – during and after pregnancy ?
I am regularly asked …”can I plank during pregnancy and postpartum to train my core or lose the “mummy tummy”.” Some other questions include… Is a plank safe to do when pregnant ? Will planking help strengthen my core post birth ? Can I plank if I am healing diastasis recti ? What about post…
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