How to progress your CORE training with a FITBALL


There are some things to keep in mind with your exercise programming especially when it comes to core training which CAN still happen if you have any pelvic floor or core concerns. Rather than attempting traditional core exercises such as planks & sit-ups try a progressive strategy using my favourite item of equipment a FITBALL.

Movement and exercise just needs to occur in a way that strengthens your body and supports your core and pelvis, but doesn’t create an environment where the pelvic organs & deep core are stressed or have added pressure placed upon them.

Hit Play Below…

Remember the core is way more than a 6 pack

It’s everything between your hips & shoulders & your “levers” or arms & legs are connected to this space so when they are used the core is activated.

Also, core progressions don’t happen overnight, there is no set timeline when your core will be ready for them especially if pregnant or postnatal.

Check out my postnatal recovery timeline here to guide you


If your see any doaming / bulging of the core, have back pain or are struggling to breathe through the whole movement – then this is a sign your core isn’t ready!

Try these fitball core exercises from the Video

Try 8-10 reps each (exercise 1 is the only one suitable for Pregnancy and early postnatal)

1. FITBALL slides – using your legs & breath plus balancing on the fitball is a fabulous place to start

Try these without the ball to begin. Then add resistance with the FITBALL (alternate feet on the ground)

a) V SIT or extensions these are challenging (not suitable for pregnancy) make sure you exhale as legs move in!

b) V SIT pass the ball – adds a fabulous inner thigh activation as the ball is passed from legs to hands

3. FITBALL supported crunches – I love using these as a supportive way to return to sit-ups. Plus the legs get a great workout too!

Join my FITBALL WORKOUT PROGRAM called Core Cardio HERE or learn more about my PREGNANCY WORKSHOP with Fitball workouts here

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About Dahlas

Dahlas Fletcher is one of Australia’s most respected and successful certified and experienced Pregnancy and Female Fitness Trainers. Her goal is to help you be the happiest, most fabulous version of yourself, inside and out.

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