7 Female Fitness Myths

female fitness myths

Here are 7 common female fitness myths that need to be debunked. 1. Stop forcing down 4L OF WATER PER DAY – you might be flushing important minerals tune into your thirst cues, sip as you need (your bladder will also thank you). 2. Exercise does not reduce your baby’s milk supply or change the…

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How to create Core integrity


It’s so important to move in DIFFERENT ways to build CORE integrity. This means that crunches, sit ups and planks are not the only way to train the core. Deep and functional core training is also not only limited to pregnant or post birth women, it is essential for ALL BODIES ! Oh so you…

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Trying to DIY your workouts?


As a fitness trainer I believe in a healthy body, strong mind and loving soul.For years I have had the honor of training women at all stages of motherhood plus their partners, also training celebrities, and working with a handful of clients of 1:1 on weekly basis. Since 2020, when the pandemic hit, I have…

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Just because you COULD doesn’t mean you SHOULD – for postpartum exercise

Some days I want to shout from the rooftops, that just because you COULD doesn’t mean you SHOULD when it comes to your postpartum recovery. FEELING GOOD post birth or postpartum does not necessarily mean you SHOULD. I totally understand that this may seem counterintuitive especially after you have had 10 hours sleep, had your 6 week…

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Why progress not perfection is the key to results

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Perfection really is the enemy of progress. So often we feel we need to be perfect to get results. But really often striving for “perfection” with things is what holds us back. Why let go of perfection ? It stops us from ever really getting started. It stops us from taking that leap to jump head first…

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Exercise & nutrition is a way to connect to your body. Not a tool to change it !

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Pre-kids I used to kill myself in the gym doing crazy hours of cardio and intense exeruse because I thought I HAD to in order to see results. I have experienced not only my leanest, but my happiest, most fulfilling self through slowing down and learning to connect to my body better both physically and…

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Feeling stuck with exercise & healthy eating ?


“I’m exhausted, trying to keep up with my exercise routine and following healthy eating. It seems impossible!”  That’s how one of my new client calls started the other day. And, I hear ya loud and clear. When it seems like EVERYTHING has been done. …When it feels like there’s no space left …When you are…

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Why you are postnatal or postpartum FOREVER !


Did you know that post birth you are actually “postnatal forever” ! Pregnancy and birth have a HUGE impact on your core and pelvic floor, and I think most Mama’s can agree that you do not “snap” back to your pre-body when you are 6 weeks postpartum, especially when you are given the “all clear”…

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