Are express workouts worthwhile during pregnancy, postpartum and motherhood?


With the very full lives we all lead as women and mothers it can be challenging to find the time and motivation to exercise. Express workouts are worthwhile however there are a few important things to consider during pregnancy, postpartum and motherhood to ensure you are moving safely and effectively Express workouts for any level…

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Are your BICEP CURLS giving you back pain ?


Did you know simple micro-adjustments when you workout can really help you avoid pain and connect better with your body ? Let’s talk about Bicep Curls If you are lifting too heavy or have a heavy anterior load #hellopregnancy “rocking” or torso movement can happen during a simple exercise like a bicep curl Watch my…

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How to relieve aches & pain during pregnancy, postpartum & motherhood


For all those pregnant or postpartum mamas or anyBODY suffering with aches and pain including : SIJ, pelvic girdle pain, sciatica or back pain, grab yourself a massage ball or tennis ball then… Follow my 2 minute video below A simple and effective tips to relieve pregnancy + mama aches and pains This method such a great way to release…

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How to modify a BURPEE during pregnancy or for core & pelvic floor concerns


One of the questions I am commonly asked is.. “how do I modify a burpee for pregnancy, postpartum, diastatis recti or pelvic floor concerns ? “ Watch my video below to learn a safe and effective burpee modification… Tips on how to modify a Burpee : Eliminate the jump component to save your pelvic floor some extra…

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Exercise & nutrition is a way to connect to your body. Not a tool to change it !

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Pre-kids I used to kill myself in the gym doing crazy hours of cardio and intense exeruse because I thought I HAD to in order to see results. I have experienced not only my leanest, but my happiest, most fulfilling self through slowing down and learning to connect to my body better both physically and…

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Pumpkin Bread- Gluten Free + FODMAP friendly


Pumpkin is high in antioxidants and restorative minerals (perfect for post birth healing) including potassium, magnesium, vitamins A, C + E. Pumpkin also helps support a healthy immune system and digestive system and it the perfect toddler and first baby food ! This recipe is also low FODMAP as it uses Japanese Pumpkin and makes…

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What is prolapse ? Let’s have an important conversation…


Today childbirth is considered far safer than it has been for most of human history. In the 18th century, roughly 1 in 100 women died in the process and today in Australia it is about 6 deaths per 100,000. However non-fatal injuries including prolapse are still rarely discussed and can cause devastating consequences to the…

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Get the facts on GUT HEALTH for pregnancy & motherhood


We all pretty much know that when your tummy is unhappy you are pretty unhappy as it can affect you in myriad of physical and emotional ways. To get the facts on gut health Nutritionist, Naturopath and Women’s Health Specialist Georgia Marrion provides some expert tips on navigating gut health in the video below Get…

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Feeling stuck with exercise & healthy eating ?


“I’m exhausted, trying to keep up with my exercise routine and following healthy eating. It seems impossible!”  That’s how one of my new client calls started the other day. And, I hear ya loud and clear. When it seems like EVERYTHING has been done. …When it feels like there’s no space left …When you are…

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