Exercise & nutrition is a way to connect to your body. Not a tool to change it !

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Pre-kids I used to kill myself in the gym doing crazy hours of cardio and intense exeruse because I thought I HAD to in order to see results. I have experienced not only my leanest, but my happiest, most fulfilling self through slowing down and learning to connect to my body better both physically and…

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What is prolapse ? Let’s have an important conversation…


Today childbirth is considered far safer than it has been for most of human history. In the 18th century, roughly 1 in 100 women died in the process and today in Australia it is about 6 deaths per 100,000. However non-fatal injuries including prolapse are still rarely discussed and can cause devastating consequences to the…

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Feeling stuck with exercise & healthy eating ?


“I’m exhausted, trying to keep up with my exercise routine and following healthy eating. It seems impossible!”  That’s how one of my new client calls started the other day. And, I hear ya loud and clear. When it seems like EVERYTHING has been done. …When it feels like there’s no space left …When you are…

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6 ways to exercise safely and effectively AT HOME


It is awesome to see everyone getting into home workouts, and it goes without saying that many people are giving it a go, as workout as home workout equipment is currently very scarce. Before you dive into your next AMRAP, Circuit or new workout routine here are 6 important tips to ensure you move safely…

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How to boost immunity during pregnancy, postpartum and motherhood


Let’s shed some light on some questions I have been asked lately about how to BOOST IMMUNITY during pregnancy, postpartum and motherhood with Women’s Health expert nutritionist Georgia Marrion How to Boost Immunity Video In the video interview above learn – Some of the best foods available to naturally boost your immune system including simple…

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Home Workouts for everyBODY


To my beautiful clients, class participants, friends, followers and anyone else who has stumbled upon this page. You are no doubt overwhelmed and feeling alone…due to social distancing. disruptions to normal routines and general uncertainty. While we DO need to physically separate, we also need to make the effort to stay connected as a local…

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PREGNANCY EXERCISE WEBINAR – complimentary online masterclass


Let’s not complicate things when it comes to your pregnancy exercise journey. Being stuck at home it is tempting to follow the latest fitness influencer’s workout, with fluffy or confusing moves that require you to contort your body into all sorts of compromising positions. Learning what is safe and effective pregnancy exercise, is going to…

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The 5 P’s strategy for Pregnancy Postpartum & Pelvic Floor Friendly Exercise


If you are a first time exerciser or a fitness fanatic the 5 P’s of Pregnancy, Postpartum and Pelvic Floor Friendly Exercise apply to you. Learn why this is also applicable during any trimester of pregnancy or any month (or year) postpartum….including as you journey into perimenopause First up if you have just had a…

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Support and heal your pregnancy and postpartum body with Mama Body Tea


I love finding beautiful Aussie family-run businesses that create high-quality products to help support and heal pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding mamas. MAMA BODY TEA is an Australian business founded by Jessica Spencer in 2012, when she became a mother and wanted to find a natural way to help with settling her baby’s upset tummy, and…

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