This months bellyfabulous woman is the beautiful Amelia and her son Ben.
How many weeks pregnant are you ?
In this image I am 34 weeks pregnant
What did you do to keep active during your pregnancy ?
I worked right up until 38 weeks and as a teacher I do a lot of walking! I teach at a high school where my classes are all over the large campus so during the day I’m quite active and on my feet most of the time. I’m not a runner and don’t go to the gym so in addition to this I would go for a few walks each week with my husband and dog around the neighbourhood.
Did you find eating nutritious and pregnancy safe foods challenging during pregnancy ?
Yes, definitely. My staple lunch prior to pregnancy was canned tuna and would take a salad to work and add the tuna but after listening to a podcast about the levels of mercury possibly affecting the baby’s development I cut tuna out of my diet altogether. You can’t eat cold meats and left overs are not advised so I found it very hard at work to eat nutritiously while at work. I craved juicy fruits so found that making a big fruit salad and adding a yogurt was a decent meal for me.
What were your favourite meals or snacks – especially if on the go?
Fruit salads were easy as I’d make a huge one at the start of the week and take a serving to work with me each day. I’d pack it full of delicious strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, watermelon. On the go, I always had a bag of nuts with me and would snack on these between meals.
Did you have any cravings ?
I didn’t have any real cravings. I went through a phases of eating loads of mandarins though.
What are you most loving about being a Mum ?
So many things it’s hard to pinpoint just one ! I love breast feeding and being able to provide that nourishment for my baby is very satisfying. For some reason I thought I wouldn’t be able to do it but my son is a very good latcher and I’ve had great success from day I also love the time I have with him while I’m feeding. It’s a lovely closeness that strengthens our bond.
We wish you all the best with your journey into Motherhood Amelia, Ben is beautiful x

About Dahlas
Dahlas Fletcher is one of Australia’s most respected and successful certified and experienced Pregnancy and Female Fitness Trainers. Her goal is to help you be the happiest, most fabulous version of yourself, inside and out.