So here’s the thing, very often women discover me on Instagram and enthusiastically we chat in my DM’s and then they grab my complimentary 20 page core and pelvic guide. Next they have a few lightbulb moments and discover EXCACTLY why ditching defaulting to crunches and Kegels WILL reduce their belly bulge and make them stronger.
So, they then decide…..
“GREAT I reckon I could do this myself, I have the info and I can just watch her Instagram Videos and try these kinds of workouts at home or the gym as they are free!”
I GET IT – not everyone has the luxury of investing in a comprehensive program or private 1:1 coaching
Or the time to invest in you may “not be quite right”
Or you could be thinking… “I have tried this before I think I could do it again…”
Or “I am going to combine this with what someone else in a Facebook Community told me to do”
Why trying to DIY your workouts or healing your core will cost your more…
I know time and money is precious, but ignoring your whole body wellness plus pelvic and abdominal health (or trying to fix it with your own DIY solutions or exercises) can end up costing a fortune, not just in physio appointments after injury, but in loss of productivity when you’re unwell and ALSO when you add up the spend of additional money on clothes that “hide the belly bulge” ….or that contraption you purchased on Amazon !
After 2 plus decades in the fitness industry, I have witnessed this SO MANY TIMES….

It’s time to stop asking randoms in Facebook Communities and try this instead
Prevention or beginning your healing journey is essential to your good health and that’s what my unique FAB5 MINI COURSE IS ALL ABOUT
First and foremost, its affordable, completely do-able – from as little as 5 MINUTES A DAY and is a PROVEN modern core training solution.

“Kegels, crunches…still got that ‘pooch’ and a leaky bladder? I get it!
It’s incredibly frustrating to feel like you’re doing everything right, but your body just isn’t cooperating. The truth is, traditional core exercises often miss the mark and can make your belly bulge worse. That’s why I’ve created a different approach – a quick 5-Day Challenge that gets to the root of the problem.
From just 5 minutes a day you’ll learn how to:
- Connect to your core muscles properly for a flatter tummy and better support
- Discover your pelvic floor can function better without Kegels and this will prevent leaks and improve intimacy
- Move with confidence knowing your body is strong and resilient
- Boost your energy levels so you can keep up with life and progress to more dynamic style workouts sooner

This challenge is designed for busy women who want real results without spending hours at the gym or more dollars on something that does not work. It’s self-paced, accessible from anywhere, and perfect for all fitness levels, from pregnancy to perimenopause.
But don’t hesitate– this offer disappears in 5 days! Click the image below to claim your spot.
“Couldn’t I just follow free exercises I find on social media ?”
Yeah …but NAH, I would not recommend it, here’s why…
This program has been designed by (me) a fully certified and experienced Pregnancy & Female Exercise Specialist with over 20 years’ experience in helping women of all ages and stages – see my full qualifications here.
Unlike many other programs, this is not a generic exercise program that has been rebranded to only treat women like small men or could potentially be causing more harm than good with what they suggest – without any pelvic health certifications. The fitness industry is unregulated, so I have seen far too many clients injure themselves or become ridiculously depleted from workouts that are not appropriate for their female biomechanics, did not consider their female hormones or were simply created by someone who also had a baby (has zero qualifications) and decided to tell everyone to “just do what I did’
PLEASE DON’T. There is a better and easier way…
In case you missed it I am also providing THE FAB5 CORE CHALLENGE at a VERY affordable price
This is one of the main reasons I spent 3 years creating this mini course so you have safe, evidence-based and up to date information accessible for you.
(as THE FAB5 MINI COURSE it’s valued at that)
But if you want the honest truth?
I am offering this, simply, because:
I KNOW you likely don’t know me and trust me yet.
I KNOW you may have never tried one of my workouts before or are hesitant too.
I KNOW you don’t have huge dollars to shell out, especially if you have been seeing practitioners / Physio’s or other Coaches and not quite getting the results you want.
And, I KNOW (for sure) you have likely been burnt before by a gym membership, trainer or program in the past that promised the world and failed to deliver (leaving you depleted, with worse symptoms or even injured)
So, there is no catch. I am (grossly) undercharging and (hugely) over delivering, to show you exactly how my modern approach using whole body core / pelvic floor strategy works.
And I also want you to discover….

I want to help you fall [back] in love with exercise, your body and hopefully ME !
So that you can ultimately “take back the reins” when it comes to navigating and progressing your fitness and daily life activities

It is as simple as taking optimal action – without the guess work
TAKE ACTION TODAY and commit to the FAB5 CHALLENGE, you will dive directly into my essential CORE FOUNDATION strategy (without a Kegel, or sit-up in sight) that regardless if you are a fitness fanatic or first timer, will get you moving with more connection, confidence and energy throughout any stage of motherhood !
Best of all its a fabulous opportunity for us to get to know each other a little better !
I hope this gives you the big picture and if you are still not ready to ditch trying to DIY it yourself with free exercises why not connect with me for a 1:1 no obligation chat here

About Dahlas
Dahlas Fletcher is one of Australia’s most respected and successful certified and experienced Pregnancy and Female Fitness Trainers. Her goal is to help you be the happiest, most fabulous version of yourself, inside and out.