Should you eat for TWO during pregnancy ? As featured in Aaptiv


I was recently interviewed by Aaptiv about the common question …. should you eat for two (or even three) during pregnancy ? It’s a question that is often easily misconstrued if you, or your family and friends are not really sure about how pregnancy should impact your eating habits. You can read the full Aaptiv article…

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25 Pregnancy & Postpartum Nutritious Snacks


Nutritious snacks are a secret super power that I want to share with you. As most women are not eating enough (read why here) or if they are, it is not the most nutritious choices. As a busy Mama of 3 I know how hard it is both during pregnancy and postpartum to stay well nourished. Especially…

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Healthy 1 pot pasta bolognaise – Pregnancy Postpartum


This bolognaise recipe is on high rotation in our house, it is packed with vegetables and nutrients for all the family and is so easy to make. It is also so versatile (see my serving suggestions below) and the perfect freezer meal if you are in pregnancy nesting mode, preparing for your precious postpartum journey !…

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Chia pudding – pregnancy/ postpartum breakfast & snack


I am often asked by many pregnant and postpartum women – what can I have for breakfast that is easy and nutritious ? Chia seed pudding is perfect (and so are eggs…more on them here). Fabulous chia seeds Chia seeds are unique as they have an ideal balance of soluble and insoluble fibre – meaning…

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Nutrient packed Pad Thai for Pregnancy Postpartum


This nutrient packed Pad Thai recipe is a fabulous meal for during pregnancy or postpartum. It is a staple in our house as it is easy to make, a healthy alternative to take-away and the whole family loves it ! This recipe is great to re-heat for lunch the next day, if pregnant just remember…

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The benefits of sourdough bread – pregnancy postpartum


Authentic sourdough bread has amazing health benefits. Many people avoid bread and often for good reasons, as today most supermarket breads are highly processed and packed with artificial additives. Traditional sourdough however is made by one of the most traditional forms of grain fermentation – dating back to ancient Egypt and has numerous health benefits.…

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Quinoa Egg and Veggie Salad – pregnancy postpartum meal


This nutrient dense quinoa egg and veggie salad an easy pregnancy postpartum nutritious meal. It is relatively simple to make and is fabulous the next day to take for lunch especially if you are pregnant ! Recipe for Nutrient dense Pregnancy Postpartum Quinoa Salad Ingredients : 1 C quinoa 2 C water 2 tsp olive…

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Eggs are a Pregnancy Postpartum SUPERFOOD


Eggs are fabulous superfood for both during and after pregnancy. They are a convenient source of protein and also packed with essential vitamins and minerals that are commonly lacking in many women’s pregnancy and postpartum diet. Forget cholesterol concerns and learn about Choline in eggs Choline is found in egg yolks and has the same…

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What is healthy pregnancy weight gain ?


Are you concerned about pregnancy weight gain and how many calories you should be eating during and after pregnancy ? As a Pregnancy and Post Natal Exercise Coach I am often asked the following questions ….“How much weight should I gain during pregnancy ?”, “What should my calorie intake be now that I am pregnant ?”…

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