I believe that the whole “get a bikini body” has a bad reputation. The notion that there is one type of body that is acceptable to be in a bikini doesn’t make sense to me.
It only perpetuates the whole “yo yo dieting” culture which is incredibly unhealthy mentally and physically.
HOWEVER…I do recognize that feeling good in what you wear is fantastic motivator for many to start exercising. I often tell my clients to get off the scales and instead focus on how your clothes feel. I also stress that this should never be the only motivation to exercise.
Shift your focus
It is important to move past the desire to look a certain way. It’s even more important to shift your focus from external comparisons. This can be challenging especially during pregnancy as very often “bumps” are compared, by other pregnant ladies or new mums ! Please remember …every woman is different, every pregnancy is different, every birth is different, every postpartum recovery is different
The best way to shift your focus is by being a little more internally focused. Use an inner dialogue, tap into that amazing motherly instinct that only grows each trim-ester ask yourself “how are you are feeling ?” rather than berating and beating yourself up with negative self talk including…”You should…” “Why haven’t you..”
This shift in your mindset means your motivation will be based around feeling energised, positive, healthy, happy, strong and alive ! Rather than how you “should” look.
My client Cath, Mum of 3 kids had a goal to wear a bikini to Hamilton Island….she focused on consistently training with me each week for a year and the photo below confirms her amazing results. Cath’s goal did not just have the word “bikini” in it. Cath also wanted to feel good mentally and overcome post natal depression, with the help of health professionals she learned to shift her focus internally to focus more on how she felt mentally during and after exercise
Read more about Cath’s story here.
Every muscle in your body has the potential to do epic stuff and so does your mind. So please use both of them.
Bikini body guides are fabulous if they get you started, but what’s more important is what is going to keep you going. My personal focus isn’t to be the strongest, fittest or slim-est. My focus is to feel good…and as a mother feel sane ! When I lose myself in movement, I let go of all the noise in my head and I feel fabulous. Plus it motivates me to continue to exercise daily.
Find out more join me for a session today.

About Dahlas
Dahlas Fletcher is one of Australia’s most respected and successful certified and experienced Pregnancy and Female Fitness Trainers. Her goal is to help you be the happiest, most fabulous version of yourself, inside and out.