How and when do you train ? Is a question I am often asked by pregnant, post natal, and #BFabSquad members who like me have very full lives !
Here I am below squeezing in 20 minutes of Cardio HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) at the park just after I have trained a client.
To do this – I simply committed myself to this work out as soon as possible – trying to avoid any distractions … including checking my phone !
Please consult a certified pregnancy/post pregnancy trainer before commencing exercise during or after pregnancy.
If you have recently given birth, your priority is to heal from the inside out. Core recovery should be your foundation and priority before you embark on other forms of exercise. Remember just because your Doctor has given you the clearance to exercise at 6-8 weeks postpartum does NOT mean you can do everything !
As a busy Mum of 3 children I understand how challenging it can be to find time to yourself, let alone time to workout. I work, I clean my own house, I prepare all the meals for the family, I shop for all the groceries, I put my daughter down for naps and I also aim to spend quality time with my children and husband… plus fit in a bit of a social life somewhere. I have many balls in the air, like many other women. And yes I now have 3 kids at school, but I hate to break it too you…it is still busy !!
Please keep in mind that while you are running around doing all of the above. You are actually doing some forms of incidental exercise. This means you don’t need to spend HOURS working out. Start with 10 mins per day and build from there.
My top tips for fitting in exercise as a busy Mum :
1. Do what you can- when you can : For example you might plan to do 30 minutes exercise but interruptions happen – if you only achieve 15 mins – that is ok. Don’t stress – it all adds up !
2. Schedule times for exercise that are achievable – use your diary to pencil in times that might work for example wake up 20 minutes earlier than usual when all the house is hopefully still asleep and give yourself 20 minutes of exercise. Just move – walk, run, yoga, stretch or do your own home program. Just like you do a menu plan, try an exercise plan !
3. Consult a Certified Exercise Trainer – if you are only just getting back into exercise post baby it is important you have clearance from your Doctor prior to exercising. You need to also ensure you are exercising safely and effectively. The best way to achieve this is to consult a women’s health physio or pregnancy exercise specialist. Your trainer can also design you an effective program that suits your schedule (be it at home or the gym) – so don’t hesitate to contact me.
4. Variety – one of the key reasons many people do not sustain an exercise program is that it lacks variety. Yes doing a variety of exercises will keep you motivated and ensure your exercise schedule is more consistent.
5. Snacking – eating nutritious snacks when you are busy is a great way to boost your metabolism and ensure you actually have energy to do a workout. Grab my complimentary snack guide here
Busy Mum exercise schedule
Mon – Conditioning / Weights.
Tues – Weights / Legs (or Yoga or Stretch with Roller)
Weds – Yoga
Thurs – Instruct a Class
Fri – Rest (clean house…not really resting !!)
Sat – Instruct Classes
Sun – More Yoga or Full Body Resistance work out if I have the energy.
Please note -Most of my sessions are a maximum of 30 minutes, except if I get to escape to a 90 Min Yoga class – which is pure bliss ! BUT — it doesn’t always go to plan ! My family is the number 1 priority, my clients schedules can change, my husband travels frequently for work plus I teach a variety of Group Fitness Classes each week – so more than often the week can get a little crazy and I just don’t have the energy to do it all. But guess what – that is ok
6. Rest / Revive – as busy women and mothers your weekly schedule should also include REST and time to revitalise yourself. This could include, meditation, yoga, a gentle walk so you can breathe, OR do not be afraid to take a much needed Nap (if you can sneak one in). Trust me – REST is so important. Rest will ensure you are able to have the energy to commit to a worthwhile exercise session next time. Plus it is proven that the more your rest, the better you will sleep and the better you sleep the more FAT your burn. Read my top fat burning tips here.
Tell me what are your favourite exercises are and when you do them ?
Jump into my #BFabSquad and join the conversation.

About Dahlas
Dahlas Fletcher is one of Australia’s most respected and successful certified and experienced Pregnancy and Female Fitness Trainers. Her goal is to help you be the happiest, most fabulous version of yourself, inside and out.