I truly believe that an effective postpartum recovery starts during pregnancy. Learning how to train your core and pelvic floor not only as you workout but as you move about your day is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.
Enhancing your core muscles is not about getting washboard abs, it’s about moving optimally as your active centre is your core …and this is connected to everything you do – arm movements, leg exercises, lifting weights, children and even walking !
Learn below how Morgan unlocked her ultimate core synergy as a student of my online pregnancy and postpartum membership THE BFAB METHOD.
Find out more about my online pregnancy program.
Meet Morgan – 5 hour labour, 1 finger ab separation.
“My labour was 5 hours from first contraction to my girl sitting on my chest. The labour was fast and intense. Neither the midwife or my OB could believe how fast I was progressing and how well and strong I could push.
3 weeks post birth been told that I have a one finger ab separation and am almost back to my pre-pregnancy body shape and size.
2 days before my labour I was completing one of your awesome full body workouts from your Ultimate Pregnant Core Program. Dahlas, I can not speak highly enough of your support, knowledge advice and guidance” –Morgan
Hi, I’m Morgan. I’ve recently had a baby girl and I live in the Riverina in southern NSW Australia.
What event inspired or triggered you to seek help with pregnancy exercise ?
I’ve always been physically active. I grew up playing lots of sports and this progressed to strength training as an adult. I knew that being pregnant meant I needed modifications for how I was currently working out, so I googled qualified and experienced pre and post-partum trainers to guide me on this journey… enter Dahlas !
I wanted a trainer who, if not local, who was prepared to support me from afar. I wanted someone who was fully certified in prenatal training. Someone who knew and had experienced the changes a pregnant woman goes through. A person who had extensive experience in the exercise industry. A person who had fantastic communication skills, a great training philosophy and could write a program to suit my training style and baby on board status. Dahlas is all this and more. I cannot speak highly enough of her.
How often do you exercise and what do you do ?
Throughout my pregnancy I walked my dogs daily, and did the Ultimate Pregnant Core program at my gym. I got to the gym between 2 and 4 times a week depending on work commitments.
What are the 3 biggest benefits you have discovered after training safely and effectively ?
I have learned that I don’t need to push myself hard every session and sweat, pant and collapse in a heap to get results. After previously training pretty hard this did take some adjustment time – particularly mentally. I discovered pregnancy is a time to adjust your training, as your body is changing so rapidly. It’s a time to focus on maintenance, breath, supporting your body, growing your baby, getting prepared for any aches and pains and of course, labour.
What’s been the biggest challenge when exercising during pregnancy ?
Definitely the change in mindset from push harder, lift more, increase weight and reps. I had to learn that slowing the movements down, focusing on breathing and technique – was still a workout. And the change in belly size ! Postpartum, I now realise that that this change in training was a big part of my effective postpartum recovery (only 1 finger ab separation 9 days after birth).
What do you think would have happened if you just did nothing ?
I wouldn’t have done nothing, I would have still continued to exercise during pregnancy. However, it would have been without the expert guidance I needed. I would have been doing damage to my changing body and I now know this would have made postpartum recovery harder, longer and not as effective. My core would not have been as strong and I would have done exercises that were not suitable for a pregnant woman. I also believe my labour would have been longer and more painful.
What would you say to another new mama thinking about exercise either during or after pregnancy ?
Just do it ! You need to start somewhere. Just because you have never exercised regularly in the past doesn’t mean you can’t start now. Every little bit helps to improve your mindset, self-esteem and gives you important “me time”. Include your partner or a friend (there are lots you can meet in my online pregnancy and postpartum membership THE BFAB METHOD and #BFABSQUAD Community) in the process. Also post birth you can include your baby just try to make it fun, enjoyable !
Exercise doesn’t need to be complicated or require fancy equipment – start by taking a walk in the park, lifting some cans of food during the ad breaks on tv, take the stairs. Whatever you do, do it safely, you have a baby on board and consult a certified trainer, like Dahlas before you begin.
Finally …
Enjoy this amazing and wonderful time. Try to be the best version of you, for yourself and your growing baby with exercising and eating properly. Also, contact Dahlas Fletcher and join my online pregnancy and postpartum membership THE BFAB METHOD! That was the best thing I did during my pregnancy.
A better postpartum recovery starts during pregnancy !
xx Morgan

P.S Here is a short quiz where you can gain unique, useful insights to give you clarity for your fitness and wellness journey – no matter what trimester, level of fitness or stage of motherhood you are at !

About Dahlas
Dahlas Fletcher is one of Australia’s most respected and successful certified and experienced Pregnancy and Female Fitness Trainers. Her goal is to help you be the happiest, most fabulous version of yourself, inside and out.