The secret to avoiding back pain
Back pain is very common before during and after pregnancy. At least 10% of the world’s adult population suffers from back pain at some point in their lives, with nearly 1/3 of all female adults suffering from lower back pain (compared to only a quarter of males). This includes a staggering 50% of pregnant women…
Read MoreHow to create Core integrity
It’s so important to move in DIFFERENT ways to build CORE integrity. This means that crunches, sit ups and planks are not the only way to train the core. Deep and functional core training is also not only limited to pregnant or post birth women, it is essential for ALL BODIES ! Oh so you…
Read More3 truths about Diastasis Recti
I spend my day discussing Diastasis a lot …with mothers of all ages & stages. Why? Because I am passionate about changing the narrative when the topic comes up (and it always does during & after pregnancy). Diastasis discussion often comes with a lot of negativity, fear, and general overwhelm. However, there are many things that can…
Read MoreHow the feet impact the core and pelvic floor
If you have been hanging with me for a while you would have heard me say….the Pelvic Floor and the rest of the CORE – DON’T WORK IN ISOLATION, they are part of a fascially integrated and functionally synergistic WHOLE. The ‘conversation’ between the core and the rest of the body runs from the toes to the…
Read MoreTrying to DIY your workouts?
As a fitness trainer I believe in a healthy body, strong mind and loving soul.For years I have had the honor of training women at all stages of motherhood plus their partners, also training celebrities, and working with a handful of clients of 1:1 on weekly basis. Since 2020, when the pandemic hit, I have…
Read MoreCan I lie on my back during pregnancy ?
SHOULD I LIE ON MY BACK WHEN EXERCISING? Is a question I am often asked by many pregnant women so let’s look into the current research What the research says …⠀⠀⠀ The latest guidelines released by RANZCOG 2020 state;⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀“Exercises should not be performed lying flat on the back after the first trimester.”⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ General Guideline: “As…
Read MoreYour jaw is a mirror of your pelvic floor
Did you know the jaw and pelvis are physiologically connected and the alignment and relaxation of each deeply affects each other. Embryonic beginnings of the jaw and pelvic floor… There is fascial line from the pelvis to the jaw and this is created during embryonic development in the womb. On day 15 of conception an…
Read MoreIntimacy after birth can be challenging
This topic should not be taboo, however discussing S.E.X after babies is something that is often avoided. Most conversations I hear from new mama’s are about birth control, and rarely about some of the challenges that can emerge both physically and mentally when it comes to intimacy after birth. Losing your mojo or being overwhelmed is…
Read MoreDoing the minimum can make a macro difference to your progress
We always want to do EVERYTHING possible to get results, but sometimes, you just have to do the minimum. Because as the MICRO, as the MACRO My client Nikki (mama of 2) who has been focusing on small micro-adjustments & noticing a BIG or macro difference as she goes about her day, watch the video…
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