I am passionate about helping all women continue to do what they love to stay active during their pregnancies. Just like me client Danika Hiew a talented ballerina and ice-skater
How many weeks pregnant are you?
I am 17 weeks and feeling good !
Have you exercised all your life?
Yes. I trained intensely as a competitive ice skater for many years. Since retiring from ice skating, I have exercised for recreation and to keep up my fitness.
Photograph of Danika Ice Skating prior to pregnancy.
Photo by James Horan – Inner West Weekly
Why is exercise important to you?
Exercise gives me the energy and strength to actively pursue my goals in life. I also find that it sharpens my mind. My thinking is sharper and I work more efficiently after an exercise session. I value my health, and know that regular exercise will help me to maintain good health through the years ahead, which is particularly important to me now that I am expecting a child. I also want to have the energy to keep up with my child’s activities!
How often do you exercise now that you are pregnant ?
I have been active all my life, and I am still feeling great during pregnancy so I try to exercise at least 4 times per week.
What exercises do you do?
I attend a ballet class twice per week (and keep all my moves low impact). I also do a home pregnancy exercise program designed by Dahlas from Bodyfabulous twice a week. The program has really help me to tune into my changing body and helped me to keep doing what I love safely, during my pregnancy
Danika 12 weeks pregnant on ballet pointe.
Do you have any tips for healthy and satisfying choices/snacks?
I always cook at least double quantity of a recipe, usually more, and then freeze single portions so that there are always healthy, instant meals in the freezer. Taking a container from the freezer and defrosting it, is quicker than stopping for takeaway, so the temptation to grab unhealthy food isn’t there. I also plan ahead. I make a list of the food I will need during the week and buy the week’s supply of groceries in one trip. Less time in the supermarket means less temptation and more free time. A weekly trip also means I don’t find myself out of healthy snacks, with a need to go shopping or eat junk !
Danika’s two favourite tricks for eating healthily if you are pregnancy and out and about :
(1) using Zip lock bags to keep healthy snacks like yoghurt with me (these bags keep food cold without the weight of a freezer brick and fold flat in your bag after you have eaten the contents), (2) keeping a supply of frozen healthy sandwiches ready so that I can grab one on my way out the door and have a just-ready-to-eat sandwich at lunchtime, without concern about the contents deteriorating. Simply being prepared means I maintain nutritious choices and also don’t panic if I am out and about and don’t feel comfortable eating the food available due to risks of listeria etc.
Danika’s weekly food preparation so she always has something healthy and nutritious ready to go !
What are you most looking forward to when becoming a mum ?
The love, the cuddles, the special bond between parents and child, and sharing our child’s journey through life.
Thanks for sharing Danika, wish you all the best for the rest of your pregnancy and can’t wait to hear your baby news
About Dahlas
Dahlas Fletcher is one of Australia’s most respected and successful certified and experienced Pregnancy and Female Fitness Trainers. Her goal is to help you be the happiest, most fabulous version of yourself, inside and out.