
Here is a simple postnatal lower core deep core connection workout for you to try at home. Follow my cues in the video below, but before you begin to find out what level is suitable for you if you have diastatis recti. Exercise is only suitable from approx 8 -10 weeks post birth.

How to know if you are ready for these core movements post birth

If you are not sure if you are ready for these movements post birth, please remember your postpartum recovery is your own journey and your core needs to be ready to progress to the next level.

Deep core healing does not magically occur by your 6 week postnatal check up. You can follow my postpartum recovery timeline to help guide you.

Your core is more than a 6 pack

Please also consider the following when it comes to Diastatis Recti / Abdominal Separation:

  1. NORMAL SEPARATION = 1 finger space separation or less and very firm linea alba /fascia in between the gap.
  2. FUNCTIONAL DIASTATIS = 1-2 finger space or less moderately firm linea alba / fascia in between gap. Can hold good tension of the abdominals without excessive coning or bulging while exercising and breathing correctly.
  3. DIASTATIS RECTI = a separation or gap between the rectus abdominis muscles of 2 1/2 or more finger spaces or a distance of 25 mm (just less than 1 inch). This means the tissues joining the rectus abdominis muscles have either stretched or split apart. The linea alba between the abdominals is also is very soft and does not hold effective tension during movement.

This exercise is suitable if you are 1 or 2 only above


Grab my complimentary Diastatis Recti Infographic to help you self-assess before you begin as there are varying levels of separation and it is NOT just about the width of the gap it is also about the DEPTH and how the fascia or muscle functions beneath the gap.

Connect to your body better 

Remember it’s not just about “doing the movement.” Learning when to breathe or “exhale on the effort” is a crucial step in deep core connection.

This works if you are 6 weeks, 6 months or 6+ years into motherhood!


Want to dive deeper and connect to your core better?

Please let me know if you enjoy this Postnatal Lower Core Workout.

Grab my complimentary Diastatis Recti Infographic.

Join my online program BFABMETHOD suitable from immediately post birth for core rehab, then follow my success path guided progression

Join me at the next round of Brisbane Mums & Bubs sessions.

About Imgs 5

About Dahlas

Dahlas Fletcher is one of Australia’s most respected and successful certified and experienced Pregnancy and Female Fitness Trainers. Her goal is to help you be the happiest, most fabulous version of yourself, inside and out.

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